TheLastFirebase is a mIRC channel...Log onto the channel on DALnet real time file, pics, mp3, video transfers and linkup with other Vietnam war Vets............
Log onto DALnet with your mIRC program.....and go to the channel TheLastFirebase.......I hope the channel turns into a linkup point for all is real time.........if no one is there just set still and is best to come in after 1700 EST...........I just got the channel cranked up so keep coming back so other vets will have time to get on board......Mason "Standin By"

I servered in Nam with Golf Company 2nd Of The 7th…Lima Company 3rd Of The 5th….4th CAG 3rd MAF north of Dong Ha, village was An Xuan….2nd CAG 3rd MAF, west Of Da Nang, village N/A…..1970………We were winning when I left…….I retired from the Army 82nd Airborne 4th Of The 325th…….hooha