Vets upset with soldier cartoon
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  1. #1

    Angry Vets upset with soldier cartoon

    Vets upset with soldier cartoon

    (Milford-AP, Aug. 14, 2006 6:13 AM) _ A poster protest in Milford continues with some military veterans taking issues with a poster in the window of a local liquor store.

    Some veterans organizations are calling for a boycott of TJs Package store if owner Thomas Jakubisyn does not remove the cartoon poster.

    The cartoon depicts a soldier in camouflage and reads: "Out of Work? Undereducated? No Health Plan? Join the Army and see Iraq."

    Jakubisyn, a Vietnam veteran, says he has no intention of taking the sign down.

    Members of the local Veterans of Foreign Wars, American Legion, Vietnam Veterans of America and Military Moms have joined forces and formed "Veterans and Families for the Troops."

    One of the protesters says the cartoon feeds into an inaccurate stereotype that American soldiers are less educated and less employable.

    Tom Jakubisyn, who owns T.J. Package Store in Milford, poses with an anti-war sign in his front window. Jakubisyn is a veteran on the US Navy and is against the war in Iraq. (Christian Abraham/CT POST)


  2. #2
    War of Words on Iraq
    Connecticut Post Online
    MILFORD — A sign in a downtown store window suggesting that unemployed, undereducated people join the Army "and see Iraq" has local veterans groups up in arms.

    Gregory Smith, commander of Veterans of Foreign Wars Post 7788 in Devon, said Wednesday that he is calling for a boycott of T.J.'s Package Store, 43 River St., until the sign is removed. Veterans will hold a protest rally in front of the store soon to show their opposition to the sentiments on the sign, he said.

    "Americans have a right to voice their opinions. We have fought for their right to do so," said Smith, a former Milford alderman and a retired U.S. Navy chief petty officer.

    "However, we veterans have a right to voice our opinion as well. And our opinion is that T.J.'s Package store has insulted our troops in Iraq by implying that they are uneducated and otherwise unemployable," he said. "Many of these men and women are not here to defend themselves against this slander, and some will never return."

    Store owner Thomas Jakubisyn said that he is also a U.S. Navy veteran and a member of the local American Legion post. The sign went up a few days after U.S. troops invaded Iraq in 2003.

    "Our fearless leader told us that Iraq had weapons of mass destruction, which turned out to be a lie," Jakubisyn said, referring to President Bush. "Then he told us that Saddam Hussein had something to do with the 9-11 terrorist attacks, which also turned out to be false.

    "In the meantime, our men and women have been dying over there, and this has been going on for more than two years," he added.

    The liquor store owner said the sign is designed to reflect what he feels is the cynicism of the Bush administration, in seeking to draw young people into the military by suggesting opportunities the domestic economy isn't providing them.

    Jakubisyn, who served on the USS Des Moines from 1959 to 1962, never saw combat, but said his ship was mobilized when U.S. pilot Francis Gary Powers was shot down over the Soviet Union. The vessel was on its way to assist at the Bay of Pigs invasion of Cuba in 1962 when the entire plan was called off.

    "This isn't about free speech, or not supporting our military men and women," he said. "But Greg Smith comes in here and he tells me if I don't take the sign down that he's going to call a boycott of my store and picket in front. I don't like to be threatened.''

    He read quotes about war from a typewritten sheaf of pages he keeps under the counter, the passion rising in his voice as he read. "Don't think for a moment that war, however necessary, isn't always a crime," Jakubisyn said. "That's from Ernest Hemingway."

    Kevin Leydon, commander of the American Legion post here, said he, too, is offended by the sign, although he likely won't join a protest at the store. "The message is derogatory toward all the men and women who are serving in the military," Leydon said. "I'm not too happy with the war in Iraq either, but our men and women over there have given up a lot. I'm not one for making trouble. I don't shop there anyway, but I have nothing against T.J. personally."

    Smith said the sign, which reads, "Out of Work? Undereducated? No Health Plan? Join the Army and see Iraq," is disrespectful to those serving in the military.

    "Today's all-volunteer armed forces are more educated than the general public. Almost all are high school graduates, many are college graduates, and quite a few have advanced college degrees," Smith said, adding: "Americans volunteering for our armed forces are the most dependable, honest, and committed young people our country has to offer."


  3. #3
    Azzhat maximus.

  4. #4
    Marine Free Member jinelson's Avatar
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    What an idiot, would you expect anything less from a squid deck ape! Its plain to see he is a Vietnam Era veteran and not a Viet Vet that got his boots muddy.

  5. #5
    This guy is a tool.

  6. #6
    Looking at his schnozola, appears he has been drinking up some of the profits of his liquor store...

  7. #7
    Marine Free Member FistFu68's Avatar
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    Mar 2006
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  8. #8
    Frick'in oxygen THIEF!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Squid bait

  9. #9
    Guest Free Member
    I counted 7 package stores in Mildford in a yellow pages search...he is a 'bidness idiot also. Or maybe he is related to some of our recent flamers?

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