Alright guys, this is not a swipe at the Army, but a serious question
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  1. #1

    Alright guys, this is not a swipe at the Army, but a serious question

    I have attended too many (even one, is too many) funerals for both Marines KIA and former Marines passing on.

    I have never, not one single time (except in Iraq) seen a Marine at a funeral in his cammies. Never. Nada. Zero. Rain, shine, windy, it doesn't matter if its a hundred twenty or negative twenty. Marines wear dress blues or service A's at funerals. Period.

    So, it struck me as very odd, that during this ceremony many of the soldiers were in cammies. Normally I would dismiss it as "Hey, its raining, maybe thats why" But then I noticed some are wearing berets, and some wearing field covers, yet some are wearing their pickle green uniform, and some are in dress uniforms.

    I have been seriously contemplating a career as an Army Officer after college graduation. Sort of putting the Marine Corps aside and taking the easy way out. Seriously, OCS is ridiculously hard. The slow boys run 19 minute 3 miles? No thanks.

    But this video sort of did me in. Could I really ever serve in a branch where punk 18 year old Specialists wear cammies at the airport?


    This isn't an army bashing thread, more of a "realization" thread for me that being a Marine means always bettering yourself. And joining the Army is the complete opposite.

  2. #2
    Oh, unless you're a first term boot Marine in Oki. I could see them probably wearing cammies. They don't make dress blues in maternity sizes do they?

  3. #3
    When my Brother-in-law died here several years ago the color guard from Ft Rilly showed up they wore dress uniforms but one of the support guys was in cammies he kinda stood over by the van they came in and when the gave taps he got in the van. Wanted to go over and tell him that the man they were burying was a LtCamander in the Navy and to get off his ass and slute him. What a turd.

  4. #4
    Quote Originally Posted by hbharrison View Post
    When my Brother-in-law died here several years ago the color guard from Ft Rilly showed up they wore dress uniforms but one of the support guys was in cammies he kinda stood over by the van they came in and when the gave taps he got in the van. Wanted to go over and tell him that the man they were burying was a LtCamander in the Navy and to get off his ass and slute him. What a turd.
    My first thought upon reading this was to give this guy a swift drop kick right in the throat, just out right dis-respectful.

  5. #5
    Guest Free Member
    This is something they do and are ok with it I guess..??...

    I did a joint service Memorial Day color guard ceremony this last May, when handling colors I don't know if its a written rule but you are supposed to be in your best uniform (dress blues obviously for us Marines). A few AF guys showed up in dress uniform as did a few Navy. Well guess who shows up in utilities/cammies?.....Army!..

    The director of the park/event was a retired Marine Cpt. and would not let them participate because them being in utility uniform did not go well with the rest of us being in dress uniform.

  6. #6
    Yep thought the same thing but I was not going to dis-respect my family because of this jackwad. As for the Army I have found that it seems to be the norm for them to be in cammies all the time for just about eveything.

  7. #7
    got to remember, different branches means different uniform regs. Unless your prior army, don't be going off on how they do business! we don't agree with how they do things cause of the way we were all tought! I'm sure they are the same way in thinking about us. why not google their regulations and see why they do the things they do!

  8. #8
    Quote Originally Posted by Komenko View Post
    got to remember, different branches means different uniform regs. Unless your prior army, don't be going off on how they do business! we don't agree with how they do things cause of the way we were all tought! I'm sure they are the same way in thinking about us. why not google their regulations and see why they do the things they do!
    And there in is the truth we were tought the write waythat is why after all these years i still get that feeling when I see our Marines standing tall.

  9. #9
    To a certain extent it's uniform regs with them. They use BDU's/ACU's as an 'everyday/everyway' type of uniform. PLUS they are phasing out the 'green' pickle suit, and replacing it with their 'dress blue' uniform. Not sure when the official drop dead day is on that but I believe it's coming, possibly this fall. The green suit is really hated by most of the younger guys (can see why it's a 1950's sorta style with no real history/tradition behind it). They also aren't tailored to fit (unless the soldier has it done privately, or is in an honor guard, etc...AF does the same thing).

    You will dislike the army very much. Perhaps not as an officer...but the change from USMC to army enlisted will be a difficult one. (BTDT as a reservist)

  10. #10
    I would never go US Army enlisted.


    A SSG in the Army is like a LCpl of Marines. We all know this isn't an exaggeration.

  11. #11
    Concur. Actually, it's more like a SFC is about the same as a Cpl, and a MSgt is 'about' like a Sergeant.

    "Leadership" is often talked about in the army, but rarely observed. Troops are treated like cannon fodder, and as a soldier, you will hear "stay in your lane" when you attempt to think, act, or lead. Generally speaking of course. There are certain units where this actually IS the rule (leadership, real) rather than the exception, but the exception it very well is.

  12. #12
    Quote Originally Posted by hbharrison View Post
    And there in is the truth we were tought the write waythat is why after all these years i still get that feeling when I see our Marines standing tall.
    It depends on what the person who died would consider respectful.

    My Aunt got me into a suit, that was not my uniform, by naming me as a pallbearer in her will. She insisted I do so as a civilian. I wore a blue pinstripe suit.

    Myself, I have friends from a lot of backgrounds.

    I'm going to be MASSIVELY ****ed, and come back to haunt (if I can) those that don't show up as EXACTLY who they are.

    Jeans and tee shirts will be the order of the day for most; one will be in dress blues (**** you Scott. ).

    I'd consider it disrespectful if my 0317 friends DIDN'T show up in well worn cammies.

    All a matter of what one wants.

    The important part is locked and cocked showing our respect.

  13. #13
    Quote Originally Posted by Sgt Leprechaun View Post
    Concur. Actually, it's more like a SFC is about the same as a Cpl, and a MSgt is 'about' like a Sergeant.

    "Leadership" is often talked about in the army, but rarely observed. Troops are treated like cannon fodder, and as a soldier, you will hear "stay in your lane" when you attempt to think, act, or lead. Generally speaking of course. There are certain units where this actually IS the rule (leadership, real) rather than the exception, but the exception it very well is.
    Sarge, that's the difference between 5 and 50.

    The Army is huge (compared to us) and as a whole it is an intense cluster****. But take any small part of it, and honestly, they do a pretty good job.

    One way to think about it is that the Army is the majority of our Country. The Marines are those few screaming *******s that shout Patriot.

    There's a lot of Army dogs shouting Patriot as well.

    2 cents.

  14. #14
    Marine Free Member Bruce59's Avatar
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    Jul 2007
    Jacksonville NC
    In my opinion their is a lack of pride in the Army. Thats not to say the
    soldiers are not patirots, because they are, but it's that lack of pride
    thing that most of them have. When they leave the Army it seems they
    never look back at the time they were in. They may have unit pride but
    no Army pride. You never see two Army guys that didn't know each other
    meet in a parking lot by chance because they had on hats that said Amry on them, and start talking about there time in, just doesn't happen.
    Now we on the other hand have this Marine thing that we will carry
    through the rest of our lifes. And to make my point watch this video.
    We never forget who we are, NEVER.

  15. #15

    Unhappy Army Uniforms

    Well sadly, the utility uniform the Army ACU's is authorized as a dress uniform as well as a working uniform.

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