Going back to MEPS tomorrow morning.
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  1. #1
    Marine Friend Free Member
    Join Date
    Jun 2010
    Orland Park

    Going back to MEPS tomorrow morning.


    I am going back to MEPS tomorrow morning to swear in, pick a job, and receive date for boot camp.

    I am looking forward to shipping out as soon as possible, but also with a job I am interested in. I was told there was a chance to a September date with two Engineer type jobs. ( I believe they were called Engineer Option and Command Center Technician) Another option was to wait almost a year for an Intelligence job. I am thinking I would like that the most but a year wait doesn't sit well.

    Today around 3pm I received a phone call from my recruiter telling me that I may not be able to get any of the September slots. My question is this; what are the chances that the Intelligence job ship date might get pushed up? Also, how hard would it be to get that same Intelligence spot after I become a Marine? Would I have to wait four years to transfer to the Intelligence side?

    Don't get me wrong, I understand that first and foremost my job (should I earn the title of Marine) is Rifleman. But I also would like to be a part of something I find very interesting if I can.

    Thanks ahead of time, I know I might receive all of these answers in a few hours, but if you Marine could give me any insight I would greatly appreciate it. I am very much looking forward to the challenge of (again, after earning it) calling myself a Marine.

  2. #2
    You've got to do what seems right for you. If nothing appeals, then I would wait, unless you are jobless/homeless. But that's just me.

    A lat move isn't possible until you've done an enlistment, usually. That's 4 years away. A long time to something you really don't want to do.....

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