Enlistment issue after moving.
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  1. #1

    Enlistment issue after moving.

    This started in July when I was living with my father in Texas. I walked into the Marine recruiting office, took the ASVAB, then went to MEPS a day later, enlisted, and took the oath.

    After doing this, events in my life made it necessary to move in with my mom, across the country in Washington state. Since then I've been in touch with a local recruiter doing the poolee functions twice a week, and have given the local recruiter all the contact info for my initial recruiter in Texas.

    I am trying to lock down an Intel MOS, however because I was initially recruited in Texas, every step I take has to go through the Texas office. I was only recently told by the Texas office, that needed to take a DLAB test. (something I should have learned of for myself long ago).

    So the issue I am having is that the MEPS center in Amarillo has to be contacted, so they can send my info to a local MEPS center where I can take the DLAB. This doesn't seem to be happening, and phone calls to my inital recruiter are not having much effect.

    I am wondering if there is any viable way to change my recruiter. Becuase of certain issues, I don't believe I wil be back in Texas any time soon. The local recruiter tells me that my best bet would be to call the Texas office and tell them I'm dropping, then wait for my letter of discharge and immediatly re-enlist here in Washington. I am wondering if I am going to be able to immediatly re-enlist, and if this is really the best way to deal with my situation.

    Thank you very much for your time, and any answers you can provide me with.

  2. #2
    Quote Originally Posted by usakickass View Post
    The local recruiter tells me that my best bet would be to call the Texas office and tell them I'm dropping, then wait for my letter of discharge and immediatly re-enlist here in Washington. I am wondering if I am going to be able to immediatly re-enlist, and if this is really the best way to deal with my situation.
    I can't offer much help, other than to say that sounds like an awful idea.

  3. #3
    The idea of getting out of the DEP down in Texas and re-enlisting in Washington makes sense to me, if you're positive that you are gonna stay up there. But you need to ask your recruiter in Washington if you will be able to enlist right way.

    If he says no, then I would not do it since you are already in the system.

    This question must be dealt with by your new recruiter. Take his advice on this one.

  4. #4
    The recruiting office in the state of Washington can do a courtesy ship for Texas. I had to do one in New Jersey for a girl who enlisted in California. They just have to communicate with each other. It's not that hard. Just ask him.

    If GyC is out there he can clear that up if I'm not correct. GyC is the man....

  5. #5
    yes, you can DEP discharge from Texas and then enlist in Washington. Keep in mind that the same MOS might not be there in Washington.

  6. #6
    Discharging is bad ju-ju, and it doesn't fix your issue... If you discharge, your records still have to be transferred from MEPS to MEPS in order for you to get back in... Your original Command has to transfer your records anyway in order to courtesy ship you.. Talk with the NCOIC of the office you're at now, and get him talking to the NCOIC in Texas... Be patient and things will move, your records have to be snail mailed... S/F

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