How long is your enlistment?
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  1. #1

    How long is your enlistment?

    Dear Bootnecks!
    How long does a young man have to enlist for in the Royal Marines? If he makes it through that training! Is there a distinction between a Royal Marines Commando and a Royal Marine?
    Semper Fi,

  2. #2
    Hi Eric,
    When I was a young man I signed the dotted line for 9 years. When I joined 40 Cdo RM I was informed of a way to get extra leave; sign on for another 5 years and receive 2 weeks leave. YES!! For 5 years service you got 2 weeks leave. After a couple more years I could then sign on for the full 22 year service and get another 2 weeks, brilliant!!!
    A Royal Marines Commando who gains his green beret and Commando flashes, i.e. passes out of training at CTCRM, is a RM Commando.
    Take care.

  3. #3


    I am an associate member of the Royal Marines Association, a fact that fills me with an immense amount of pride. I watched "Commando, on The Front Line" and read the book. What a story!! The training you guys get is excellent. No political correctness. Thanks for your answer. Do you live in the states? I could'nt tell from your profile.

  4. #4

    US draft

    Hi Eric,
    Yes, I was drafted to USA, as a civilian, in 2006; enjoying life in Connecticut at present; watch this space........
    I'm also a member of the in VA.
    Take care

  5. #5
    Aye, Commando is an excellent viewing! Hadn't heard of the book, but I will look for it, thanks.
    I met a Royal Marine Commando in a airport once. Very pleasant conversation we had. Outstanding uniforms!

    Semper Fi all!

  6. #6

    Royal Marines

    Hi Ricky!
    I am a member too. I know John, via e-mail. I want to go to England someday, never been. How does it work in the RM--you give a years notice? You have to sign a new contract for x-amount of years? I wish, we had had the "Tarzan Course"!
    Per Mare, Per Terram,

  7. #7
    Hey Eric,
    Hopefully England will still be there when you travel.
    I'm pretty sure it's all changed since I was medically discharged in 1986 but you could always buy yourself out which was dependent on numerous things.
    The tarzan course was good but my favourite was the endurance course; each to his own eh?
    No doubt we'll meet one day Eric, maybe this year's remembrance parade.
    Take care

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