Attention on deck!
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  1. #1

    Attention on deck!

    Being a good, fiscally sound Marine, today I decided that it was time to save money and go eat lunch at the chow hall.

    I ended up sitting next to General Conway.... drinking mountain dew, listening to Iraq stories and having the SgtMaj of the Marine Corps sit a few tables away.

    Four stars is quite alot for a collar!!!

    There are LtCol's I won't talk to sitting down, but smoking and joking with the Commandant felt pretty comfortable. It was weird, talking to this guy knowing in the back of your head that three star generals salute him!

  2. #2
    is his daughter a hottie?

  3. #3
    Where are you stationed Devil? That's cool that you got to rap with the Commandant. I remember going to the gym at the Pentagon and seeing Gen Conway get some. He's a tall guy. I think being a giant is a requirement to be Commandant.

  4. #4
    Better watch what you say Achped. any **** gits back to the brass hats n your ass is theirs!

  5. #5
    Yut Yut I think Krulak was kind of short wasnt he. I kind of remember seeing him from far away back in 97.

  6. #6
    Yeah, Krulak was about 5'5-5'6. He was a big wig at MBNA in Wilmington, DE (my hometown) when I worked there. I met him a couple of times. Of course, that was when I was still in high school, so my dumb ass makes some "I'm funny" type comments. He was good guy, aside from being a 4-star. He told me I'd make a good Marine, once. That meant nothing to me at the time, but appreciate his statement now.

  7. #7
    When I worked at MBNA, they had some professional development "classes" for the interns and work studies. He told us this story of when he was a 2ndLt, just dropped in a hot LZ in Vietnam. They were apparently pinned down under heavy machine gun fire and hit the deck. They couldn't move from their position, so a junior enlisted Marine jumps up running all over the place laying down cover fire like John Rambo. Said he was shooting his rifle from the hip like John Wayne. He did this for a few minutes, enough time for his platoon to get to a safe position. Then, this kid charges a machine gun nest killing every motherf*cker there. Krulack said, when they cleared the area and found the kid, he was still gripping his rifle, laying over the machine gun he had charged. The only thing holding him together was his uniform. I didn't really know what the hell he was talking about at 17, but while on leave from boot camp, it really made sense the point he was trying to make.

    He was a funny guy, too. One day I saw him talking to the department VP's secretary. I had a question for her, so I just stood there waiting for their conversation to end. The night prior there was an awards ceremony for all the kids who were getting a "scholarship" through MBNA because they had a parent working there. My step father worked there, too, so I got one and Gen Krulak was the one who presented it. Anyway, after waiting a moment or two for the conversation to end, he recognized me from the awards ceremony (he sat next to me at my table). He popped me in the stomach in a jovial sort of way and we chatted for a few minutes. Then he asked if I wanted to join him for lunch. I accepted, but on the way out of the office he saw a woman that worked in my department and so we stopped so he could say hi and chat with her. He starts talking it up, asking her how she's doing, how's work, when is she due. She wasn't pregnant. She turned a little red and said "Wrong person." He realized that was not a question to ask a woman unless you're ABSOLUTELY sure and started to stammer a bit. I ran away.

    Looking back on it, I don't know if there could have been a bigger sign of what I was supposed to do with my life. I mean, aside from The Almighty shouting from heaven "Hey, go enlist in the Marines!" of course...

  8. #8
    One tour at Cherry Point, I had a good friend who was a NASU (Naval Aviation Service Unit) rep. He was an electronic engineer and worked for the Navy, but was stationed at Cherry Point. It was always interesting to go to parties at his house because you never knew who you would run into.

    I chatted with a fellow for a half hour once before finding out he was THE Personnel Director for the Marine Corps, down from DC on business. I can't even recall his name, now.


  9. #9
    Marine Free Member jrhd97's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by SlingerDun View Post
    is his daughter a hottie?
    Now that would be a career killer, or promotion killer

  10. #10
    The General was quite a good man to work for. Very smart man. Briefed him many a time as a two star.

  11. #11
    So apparently some Marines on here felt as if I wasn't exactly being honest... honor courage and commitment is upheld by these Marines but not believed to be followed by others according to them.

    I found Hawaii Marine at the gym today, and since I recall being told that Marines on Sgt Grit's chat room felt as if the "Commandant doesn't just randomly sit down with Marines at the chow hall", I would include the necessary proof. Nothing irks me more than to be thought a liar by fellow Marines

  12. #12
    Marine Free Member Quinbo's Avatar
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    When I worked at Quantico Krulak would just show up. You're diligently slaving away at a game of solitaire and hear "how's it going are you winning" turn around and there is the CMC standing behind you.

  13. #13
    Quote Originally Posted by Bulkyker View Post
    When I worked at Quantico Krulak would just show up. You're diligently slaving away at a game of solitaire and hear "how's it going are you winning" turn around and there is the CMC standing behind you.
    LOL!! I think I'd feel like the biggest ass in the world if the CMC found me playing solitaire. That's classic.

  14. #14
    I know for a fact that Commandants do just sit down at random and eat with Marines. I had that experience myself with General Krulak.

  15. #15
    Quote Originally Posted by outlaw3179 View Post
    Yut Yut I think Krulak was kind of short wasnt he. I kind of remember seeing him from far away back in 97.
    When I met Gen. Krulak in 1995 he came out to the USS Shreveport in the Med to visit us. I got my picture taken with him and it was in the Marine Corps times. He was short.....He had to leap to put my XO in a headlock to give him a noogy

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