So I changed out my shower curtain because it was moldy....
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  1. #1

    So I changed out my shower curtain because it was moldy....

    I guess Gunny (or someone) doesn't like the new choice???

  2. #2
    Guest Free Member
    Wow, Gunny didn't say anything about the nasty Biology Experiment on the tiles?

  3. #3
    hahaaha, bleach does wonders on that stuff.

  4. #4
    Speaking of that! Scrubbing bubbles is the best #%#@ ever! I just soak the entire head down in that stuff, I dont even wash it off, and it totally gets rid of all the soap scum and everything.

    That biology experiment is actually water, I had just taken a shower when I thought Id take a picture

  5. #5
    .... you're shower water is black?! you need help son.

  6. #6
    It must be the lighting, seriously I like to goof off but I cant stand to live like a nasty pig. Trash is taken out daily, laundry is always done, floor is always swept and mopped. Rooms always dusted, fridge and microwave are always clean. I'll be the first one to joke around about something but I take pride in the way my living conditions are.

    The scrubbing bubbles stuff really does work though for those who want to check it out. Just lather the entire head down with that stuff, close the door, and go out for the night (or go to sleep). Wake up and its like a sparkling room. You'd think the grit would dry and leave streaks but it doesnt. Its incredible.

  7. #7
    Skin so soft works wonders on soap scum on tiles. I like the shower curtain. Go buy a fish one now.. maybe he'll like it better.

  8. #8
    Quote Originally Posted by Achped View Post
    I guess Gunny (or someone) doesn't like the new choice???

    That is some funny shiat.

    We used to mess with the company Gunny(s) with odd shiat like that, I remeber the time we put a huge can of vasoline in the head near the shiatter with a big ole stack of playboys next to it.

    We also rigged the fridge once with this talking doll thing that somebody bought out in town, so as soon as he opened the fridge door we had it rigged so it would yell out "howdy partner."

    One time in Oki we built a Christmas tree out of empties, it was as tall as the ceiling, just the base was made from like 2 cases of empties glued together to form a circle. The company Gunny came in on Friday morning and found it.... we paid big time for that one....

  9. #9
    Marine Free Member jinelson's Avatar
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    Its a good thing that tonight is field day. Get that mold/mildew or whatever squared away on this time honored night.


  10. #10
    there are no more field days in the Marine Corps.... you can't play games with them anymore.... it's horrible

    they can even customize their rooms now too! no more uniformity.

    I have seen a female put two racks together and sleep on a "queen size" bed.

  11. #11
    Marine Free Member Chumley's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sgt Petzold View Post
    there are no more field days in the Marine Corps.... you can't play games with them anymore.... it's horrible

    WHAT??? Who's running this show anyways??? IS this really true?

    OK I'll bite the bullet on no more E-Clubs, and also that you don't spit shine your desert boots, BUT...........................

    HOW can there be no field days? WhatTF????

  12. #12
    there are E-clubs....

    they think we belittle the Marines by forcing them to clean their rooms... though it doesn't protect the nasties who live in a sty... just the ones who keep it clean.

    If they pass a bi-weekly inspection they don't get checked out the next week... though I remember while reading the order that there is a little loop-hole in it... I'll have to re-read it if I can find it.

    I think it has something to do with the clean rooms are ignored, but you can make sure they do general clean up... if the room is a mess you make them field day... so you check the day before and tell those with messed up rooms they will field day... then I'd also do random checks as well... rooms will have the curtuns open so I can easily walk through... I'm not going to let this stop me... and even thought they can customize their rooms doesn't mean I can't call something a 'safety hazard' and make them change it.... or improper use of furniture i.e. pushing the beds together or a set of drawers on top of two secerataries.... I'm evil like that.

  13. #13
    Marine Free Member Chumley's Avatar
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    Somebody wake me up.

    ( it's just a bad dream, its just a bad dream its just a bad dream )

    Hows about a little reveille? They still do raise the Colors right?

  14. #14
    No more field days? That's impossible. As far as customizing your barracks, it was allowed to put a poster on the wall, or put a rug on the floor. But guys weren't buying sleep number beds and putting up Tiffany lamps if their rooms.

  15. #15
    Holy chit, no more field days?? That's insane! Those were some good memories..not the cleaning part but when I was a non-nco it was clean the barracks then get your drink on then when I picked up Cpl and beyond it was walk through and inspect, of course finding nasty dust bunnies in all the places they never thought I would check then get my drink on. LOL.

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