I was proud to have called Ben a friend. He was selfless, kind and one of the hardest workers I have known. He maintained his sense of humor, was never afraid to say "I don't know," and was an incredible pilot.

The world lost a great man last Saturday, but I think Ben is proud knowing that he has contributed to something much bigger than himself. I can picture him sitting in his flight seat, St Peter right next to him in his, looking down on the tumbling statue surrounded by hundreds of laughing, cheering, crying Iraqui citizens. He's got a big grin on his face, and he's about as happy as he's ever been.

Ben always took great joy in the good fortune of others, whether he contributed to it or not. And when he did contribute, he was always humble about it.

That's why I think he turned to St Peter and said "Look at that! Too bad I can't be there to celebrate with them," to which St Peter probably replied "You are with them, Ben. You always were."

Semper Fi, Pokey. You're always with me.