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Thread: Mecep

  1. #1


    Hey Marines. I've looked around on the forums and on the internet about MECEP. What I'm wondering is, if any of y'all out here have gone through that program or personally known Marines that went through it, if you could tell me what they thought of it, if they're glad they did it, from the moment they got accepted what all went on, the process they took towards comission and what they did in between, it'd be greatly appreciated.

    I can sit around and read the orders and regulations about it and what not all day, but it doesn't give me the same insight personal experience does, if you get what I'm gettin' at.

    Thanks in advance, Marines!


  2. #2
    My son is in boot at PI right now. The process of applying is pretty long and takes alot of work. You have to be between 20 and 26 years old. There are recomendations from a certain amount of people. a 500 word essay as to why you want to be an officer.

  3. #3
    Thank you very much, Cpl. I've read all of the guidelines, what you need to do, to have, etc etc, but what I'm looking for is personal experience from any Marines who have undergone this program.

    If there are any of you out there, what I'm kind've wondering is: what was the prep school like and how long was it, what you did on a day to day basis after the prep school, and basically everything else that happened from the moment of getting selected for the program and given the green light to the second you finally set off for OCS.

    If that's not too much to ask for


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