New Marine, couple questions about MOS school.
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  1. #1

    New Marine, couple questions about MOS school.

    Greetings all, I recently graduated from MCRD San Diego (Platoon 2150/ Golf Co).

    I head down to Camp Pendleton for MCT on the 14th, then I'm off to Fort Sill, OK, for Field Artillery MOS school.

    My main question is about the training schedule at school. Do you live in squad bays or dorms? Do you have any free time/ liberty on the weekends? Would I be able to bring a lap top to keep in touch with my friends/family? Also if there are any Field Artillery Marines here, how long is the actual school?


    Semper Fi

  2. #2
    Ooohrah, Private Desperado (don't want to call you Laurence). Semper Fi and Congratulations.

    If you're 0811, your school is now 5 weeks long and should be convening on 9/17/2007. Once you're done with MCT, you'll ship over to Ft. Sill/Lawton (armpit of the US in the summer, sorry E4B). Then you'll wait til 9/17 to actually start the school. Grad date is 10/24. Between your arrival and when your class starts you will most likely be part of a duty section. Prepare for details as needed by the staff ncos and ncos.

    We had squadbays in 87 (holy cow, 20yrs ago) but I'm sure they've upgraded since then. Bringing a laptop should be fine but it's unknown where you'll find internet service. Be sure to bring a cable lock for additional security.

    You will have liberty on the weekends UNLESS you have to pull duty or have to attend Rock Study (remedial training after poor test results). Very nice people in Lawton but not exactly a hotbed of youth activity. I went to the mall and watched movies, mostly. Caught Full Metal Jacket there. ; )

    If you have any more specific questions, I'd be happy to answer them. I'm also wondering if we have any more recent grads from Arty.

  3. #3
    You forgot to mention the fact that if you call me while he's in Lawton I'll take him out to dinner or something while he's in town.

    It does get hot in the summer and Lawton doesn't have the most active night life. But, there is a college in town so there are a few females to be found.

  4. #4
    Oooh, struck gold. Very detailed information found at this link.

    It looks like they have a formal program now for dealing with MAT (Marines Awaiting Training).

    Also looks like they still have squadbays for students but VERY improved over the antiquated army squadbays that we had.

    You should read the Battery SOP for all the rules.

    E4B, it looks like the students have to have "Liberty Buddies" so you'll be buying dinner for 2. Sounds like fun, though.

  5. #5
    Quote Originally Posted by rvillac2

    It looks like they have a formal program now for dealing with MAT (Marines Awaiting Training).
    You mean other than sweeping sand out of perpetually dry drainage ditches?

    Best advice is use your time in MAT platoon wisely. Get a hold of your coursebook early if you can.

  6. #6
    Marine Free Member davblay's Avatar
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    Feb 2007
    Sparta, Tn
    Fort Sill----home of the CANNON COCKER!

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