Mcrd Sd
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Thread: Mcrd Sd

  1. #1
    Marine Friend Free Member
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    Brown Deer

    Mcrd Sd

    I was just wondering if any Marines who graduated from MCRD SD could tell me about how they do things there. I was there 2 weeks ago and a 1st sgt. told me a lot but I think he was making it seem less hard so I would join. I'm going to join anyways so can someone tell me how it really is there?

  2. #2
    It was really nice. Room service was terrific. We had bicycles to go to and from. It's been a while, but the main thing I remember were these 3 really nice men who tended to my every need. I will never forget those guys! Thank you SDI SSGT Brown and DI's SSGT Moultrie and SGT Rice. Now get on your face poolee and give us 50! If it was easy it wouldn't be worth having!

    Excuse me...I mean potential future poolee!

  3. #3
    wow you got room service too SGT holly crap i thought that was just my company and you guys got cheated we got those rascal things to go places on they phased out the bicycles they said those took to much effort to use. now as for your question about how they do things there you have to be more specific in your questions.

  4. #4
    Marine Friend Free Member
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    Brown Deer
    I mean what is life like there, i know the basic stuff but I want to know more.

  5. #5
    well what do you know and we will go from there

  6. #6
    Marine Friend Free Member
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    Brown Deer
    well like i said, a 1st sgt. showed me around the Deopt so i know what it looks like.I'm wondering what training is like. I went to PI 2 summers ago but MCRD SD has to go to Pendleton for some stuff so I'm wondering what they do at the Depot and what they do at Pendleton.

  7. #7
    out of all the stuff the 1st sgt talked about i'm surprised he didn't go into that with you, well you do all of your drill and what not on the depo but all your field stuff, and rifle range is at pendleton

  8. #8
    Quote Originally Posted by SGTBrentG
    It was really nice. Room service was terrific. We had bicycles to go to and from. It's been a while, but the main thing I remember were these 3 really nice men who tended to my every need. I will never forget those guys! Thank you SDI SSGT Brown and DI's SSGT Moultrie and SGT Rice. Now get on your face poolee and give us 50! If it was easy it wouldn't be worth having!

    Excuse me...I mean potential future poolee!
    Too know what, its the same in PI..we had three really groovy cats that tended to our every need as well. At times it seemed as if they were kinda angry and raised their voices from time to time. I didn't understand where their anger was coming from however. One may even say they were mean.

  9. #9
    Serioulsy James, its not a picnic as you know. Have you seen the documentary, "Ears open, eyeball click"? Its very right on, and only a few years old. It was filmed at MCRDSD.

    If you want to see some good stuff watch it my friend, its about as real as it gets on bootcamp. Those Drill instructors are some bad @ss guys...

    You can buy it online but it runs the Documentary Channel I think. I just TVO'd it the other day, but first watched it several months ago.

  10. #10

  11. #11
    The Drill Instructor at the end of this quick clip grills that recruit for a was funny.

  12. #12
    Here is some more of the Senior Drill Instructor ripping the head off of a recruit playing "sick bay commando"....I can watch this clip over and over..its better than porn!!!

  13. #13
    Marine Friend Free Member
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    Brown Deer
    Quote Originally Posted by jetdoc
    Serioulsy James, its not a picnic as you know. Have you seen the documentary, "Ears open, eyeball click"? Its very right on, and only a few years old. It was filmed at MCRDSD.

    If you want to see some good stuff watch it my friend, its about as real as it gets on bootcamp. Those Drill instructors are some bad @ss guys...

    You can buy it online but it runs the Documentary Channel I think. I just TVO'd it the other day, but first watched it several months ago.
    Yes sir I just bought it like 5 days ago. Great stuff I can't wait until its my turn!!

  14. #14
    Quote Originally Posted by jetdoc
    Here is some more of the Senior Drill Instructor ripping the head off of a recruit playing "sick bay commando"....I can watch this clip over and over..its better than porn!!!
    Haha Ya it is, It never gets old.

  15. #15
    James, if you have it then you have a pretty good idea on what bootcamp will be like, at least IMO its pretty dang close.

    Nothing will prepare you for actually being there however. Just remember that the Drill Instructors are there to weed the non hackers from our exclusive little club. Not everyone can be Marines and we want to make sure only the best become Marines.

    Its a title we carry for the rest of our lives, and its not easy to earn that title...if it were easy then we wouldn't be Marines, we would be Army, Navy or Air Force.

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