Basic Boot Camp Day - Page 6
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  1. #76
    THANKS Now i have a better idea. i had a totally different idea. THANK YOU

  2. #77
    Marine Free Member Quinbo's Avatar
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    Ft. Bragg
    Good stuff 1stRad! It should be noted that the training schedules on the cards show 1 hour for chow and in reality most of that hour is not spent eating chow

    Some of the training schedules appear to end at 1800 and the reality is that at 1800 the games have just begun. It is a rare class that recruits don't show up breathing hard sweating and covered in sand. 5:20 chow is always fun. Green reville is not allowed but there is nothing that says you can't recieve a right face 5 minutes after reville is sounded and by the time you reach the chow how you better be fully dressed.

  3. #78
    Quote Originally Posted by SeanWicks07
    No no no.....welll i want to sleep. But my buddy came back and said he never got it. O yeah big question. Are cadences sang everyday?
    your buddy was probably a scribe because they are the ones who make the firewatch roster..

    I was a scribe and we did stand in at first but then after talkign to the other firewatches we didnt.

    Oh yea try to be buddies with them because i noticed that people who **** them off get rotated in the roster more than usual

  4. #79
    You're going to be leaving in 4 days for hell, so I just want to let you know the following things, after reading your posts.

    1. You are literally going to hell, do not think you are prepared at all.
    2. You will wear cammies all the time, except for: Inspection, Family Day, Graduation.
    3. The DI's will never consider you good enough. In fact, you will die more, the better you do, because you are never going to reach your best. My platoon was the honor platoon, and we got f***ed up more than anyone else probably. But, it's definitley worth it to excel.
    4. PT is not hard at boot camp. I died at MOS school, 5 days a week. Just keep that in mind for motivation!

    5. Relax yourself completely on the rifle range. I'd shot a few rifles before boot camp, and been hunting a couple of times as well. Forget all that stupid s***. Listen to your PMI, I did, and I'm an Expert, and it was NOT hard.

    6. Swim qual sucks, stretch your legs out while you're in line for 3...or you'll be like me and be a 4 qual haha.

    7. Letters were very important to me, but, that does not mean that they come before your duties as a recruit, i.e. taking care of the things the DI's, guide, or squad leaders instruct you to do during square away time (when you get it). Get pictures sent too, they'll remind you of what's waiting for you back home (if you have a fine lady, all the better).

    8. Do not hope for anything...only hope for chow, church, and sleep.

    9. Be f***ing belligerently loud. Do not feel stupid, your stupidity will soon be turned into sweat and blood on the quarterdeck if you do not sound off.

    10. Sprinting is not fast enough.

    11. If you have a s***bag recruit, attempt to help him out. Fix him, and the DI's will probably be ****ed off at you for taking care of someone other than yourself, but their entire job is to be ****ed off at you, in reality they care a great deal about your readiness for the Marine Corps. However, if you don't give a f***, they will f*** you up, and they won't give two cents about you in anyway.

    12. Be sneaky when necessary. You will learn mad Recruit Recon skills.

    13. StandBY!

  5. #80
    Marine Free Member Quinbo's Avatar
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    Ft. Bragg
    As always the most brilliant thinkers are often Lcpls. Ask questions and provide answers. An explaination at the foot of a hill is not readilly available so it is probably not the right time to bring it up. Many a lance coolie has suddenly found himself in charge.

    2 to the chest is taught because you are actually shooting at someone else who is ducking and dodging and shooting back..... the chest is the largest target. If you manage 2 in the chest and he is still shooting back then at least you slowed him down enough for one to the head.

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