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Thread: Pay?

  1. #1

    Talking Pay?

    how much do i get paid as a reservist if and i'm in the plc?

    and can i use the GI bill to pay for my college?

    or any other tips/suggestions would be nice...

  2. #2
    You will get paid the same as any other reservist of the same rank. I would assume the rules for the GI bill would be the same as it is for other reservists.

  3. #3
    In the Reserve, you'll get paid by drill which is officially 4 hours. Most Drill weekends will be Friday night through Sunday afternoon equalling 5 drills. PFC's will gross around $48/drill. When you do your two weeks active duty per year, you will be paid 1/2 month of Active Duty pay. For PFC's that is 1/2 of approx $1430/month or $715.

    PLC will only pay when you're attending OCS. While attending OCS, you will be paid at E-5 which is approx $1800/month.

    I don't know about GI Bill and college money. I joined so I could kill people. Paying me is just icing on the cake.

  4. #4
    Quote Originally Posted by Echo_Four_Bravo
    You will get paid the same as any other reservist of the same rank. I would assume the rules for the GI bill would be the same as it is for other reservists.
    what is the rules for the GI bill for all reservists? i cant find it anywhere!

  5. #5
    Basically, you get less money that active duty people get. Right now you will get $309 per month as a full time student. It goes up some every year on October 1.

    You are eligible for 36 months- but you have to be in good standing with your unit, you must have completed your initial active duty time, and of course, you have to be enrolled in school.

    I don't know if you have to pay the $1200 before you can start receiving the money or not. It won't let me post the link for some reason.
    Just type reserve montgomery go bill into google and then click on the education. military. com selection.

  6. #6
    Quote Originally Posted by rvillac2

    I don't know about GI Bill and college money. I joined so I could kill people. Paying me is just icing on the cake.

    Spoken like a true Marine. Ooh-Rah

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