Good question
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Thread: Good question

  1. #1

    Good question

    Does anyone know when the Corps re-introduced the rank of Lance Corporal? I don't remember it in 1958,1959 or 60.

  2. #2
    Had to have been in 61 for I went throught P.I. in 62 and remember the DI's a *****ing about a lance coolie, also it was in the green bible. Getting M-l4's right out of the package from the manufactor issued to us and watching the DI's reading instructions on how to break them down and a *****ing about the piece of crap would never match the M-l. They were in for a big surprise.

  3. #3
    I went through boot at mcrd s.diego, in august 61 to nov. it was around then.

  4. #4
    It seems to me that it was 1958 when the change came in, rember we still had 2 stripe CPL E-4 in the plt.

  5. #5

    good question

    I remeber the change then, we still had some cpl E-3 and sgt e-4 around yet the new change over had not been totally complete yet. Most of the old stripes were on Okinawa, if I remeber right they had to take some kind of test or something to keep their rank, a lot of the old staff sgt's were effected the most. It wasnt so much the pay as it was the privlege's they lost. A cpl-e3 could go to the NCO club were a L/Cpl couldn't. Semper Fi

  6. #6
    I remeber that our Jr.DI. went from SSgt. to Sgt. He was a mean SOB after that He said he should have got the cross rifles and been a SSgt. This was in June of 61

  7. #7

    good question

    BigPhil where did you go through boot, I went through mcrd s.d. plt 259
    your jr di wouldn't have happened to have been a Sgt Romos by chance.

  8. #8
    Went through MCRD PI. Plt 242. JDI was Sgt. Muench.

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