David Walker was on sixty minutes tonight, seventh Comptroller General of the United States, says in twenty years United States will be bankrupt.

Maybe my 13 y/o granddaughter is smart by not taking Spanish, she's taking French. Yet again in Spain, they speak Spanish too, don't they ? Maybe if I work on a cockney accent, that is, if England ever starts using the Euro instead of the pound ? England is heavily invested in the US and will loose their ass.

I wonder how many of our Congressmen have bank accounts in Europe (Euros) ? I know Pat Buchanan (former Republican presidential candidate) has allot of his wealth in gold.

Well, why should the average American care anyways, they don't have any money. Unless I'm going to live to be 84, I won't see it.

If I do make 84, they say, "God takes care of old People and fools" !

I guess next time I Bank it will be in the European Union, in Euros.

Even Saddam and Mahmoud Ahmadinejad [Iranian president] wanted Euros not dollars for oil.

Wake up America !!!

Why Iran is Next