Packages in boot camp
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  1. #1

    Packages in boot camp

    I'm shipping soon and I was curious as to what I can tell my family they can and can't send in a package. I know that recruits aren't allowed candy or coffee or anything of that nature but I have heard people say they have received things like Bengay and hygeine products. Any feedback is greatly appreciated.

  2. #2
    Your Drill Instructors will decide what you can and cannot have. The way it worked in my platoon was if you got a big package you had to open it in front of him and show him everything inside of it. Any thing they considered contrband was taken and usually thrown away. If you had something of value that you were not allowed to keep it was put in the SDI's walllocker. I dont remember too many people getting things they weret allowed to keep though. I remmeber a few families tried sticking a piece of gum or two in a thick letter or something like that. If I remmeber correctly other recruits had things like boot insoles or their favorite brand of deodorant being sent to them and they were allowed to keep it.

  3. #3
    I don't know why you would want anythng. You'll have everything you need issued to you.

  4. #4
    You really won't need anything from home during boot camp.

    During your time in Recruit Receiving you will be issued and initial issue of uniforms, and health and comfort items. This will include everything you'll need to successfully complete recruit training.

    Later on during training, you will be issued and fitted for your dress uniforms.

    The folks back home have a tendency to send things to recruits to experss their love and all, but you don't need it, and the Drill Instructors can make your life miserable because of items you might receive.

    I had an entire large bottle of English Leather shaving lotion poured on my head that my sister-in-law sent me. I smelled real pretty for a couple of days.

    Another recruit had to eat six large Hershey chocolate bars, wrappers and all, and drinking a couple of canteens of warm water, while doing bends and thrusts. Made him sick as a dog.

    All letter envelopes that had perfume, lipstick blotts, XXXOOO, stamps upside down, etc. were guaranteed to get you sh!t from the Drill Instructors.

    All packages are opened in the presence of a Drill Instructor and every item is looked at by him.

    The best rule is to not get packages during recruit training. Again, you don't need the stuff people send you.

    There will be plenty of time to receive "care packages" from home once you get out of recruit training.

  5. #5
    I do not recommend having any foo foo juice shipped to you. Why would you want to smell good on the "O" Coarse, or during drill for that matter. Most Marines I know shave with a blow torch.

  6. #6
    I told my parents and grandparents not to send me anything except letters while I'm gone but I know they probaly will anyway and I would like to at least tell them what absolutely not to send. No need in making myself noticed. I appreciate all of the replies, you guys have been alot of help since I joined.

  7. #7
    A lot depends on the mood of a DI. We had people getting thrashed because they got too many plain letters.

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