92 day Reservist question.
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  1. #1

    92 day Reservist question.

    (I posted this on the 92 day thread earlier, but I thought I might have better luck w/ answers and advice by making my own thread)

    I am currently in the DEP for Reserves- I will be a 92 day reservist while attending college, I just had this on my mind, so I thought I'd ask.
    If I'm a 92 day reservist and either drop out of College or Flunk out, would I be just switched to Regular Reserves or kicked out of Reserves all together?
    I know this isn't really a good thing to be asking but the reason I'm asking is because I personaly don't believe you can accomplish anything unless your whole heart is into it, and my heart really is not set on college, it's set on being a GRUNT.(Honestly I cant/nor do I know why).But my family (yea I know this has been said before) wants me to go to college "and get my education". I agree, but I'd rather just pick it up along the way while serving in the Corps. They want me do it now, and I want to be a Marine, so Reserves looked like to me (hitting 2 birds w/ one stone sorta thing) a happy median, but the more I think about it, and tell people "I'm going to college" it sounds like a lie. So I guess I was just wondering what would happen if I were to flunk out or decide while attending college that it definitely wasn't for me and dropped out, what would happen? all advice and criticism is greatly appreciated. Thanks and God Bless. -Tyler

  2. #2
    Marine Friend Free Member
    Join Date
    Sep 2006
    Palmyra, Pa
    I can't answer your question but I have one for you.

    Why didn't you just finish what ever semester you are on now, and join up full time? Did you know education is covered 100% while on Active duty? In my eye that would be the best of both worlds. You get a free education, AND do what you obviously want to do, become a Marine.

    If it's a family issue, well, the way I see it is you've got to live your life the way you want to. I just get to idea from your post that you aren't currently doing that. If I'm not mistaken.

  3. #3
    I'm a senior in High School. so I still have to finish my year out.

  4. #4
    Marine Friend Free Member
    Join Date
    Sep 2006
    Palmyra, Pa
    Quote Originally Posted by TylerA23
    I'm a senior in High School. so I still have to finish my year out.
    Well, I feel stupid. I read that post completly wrong.

  5. #5
    There comes a time when you have to cut mommy's apron strings and become your own man. If you don't want to go to college and you do want to be an active duty Marine, that time has come for you. All you will accomplish is creating a disaster of an academic record that you will never be able to get rid of and a waste of your time and energy.

    It may not be easy to tell your family that you are ignoring their desires, but life isn't always easy. They get over it. Trust me, I've been down that road myself.

  6. #6
    haha, dont feel stupid, I asked for any and all advice or criticism... so thanks lol

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