Marines Killing Civilians? What?
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  1. #1

    Marines Killing Civilians? What?

    Since I am only allowed to post here I figured I'd post this link for discussion, I think I need to hear what other Marines think about this, what do you think should happen to the Marines in this article? I think they deserve whatever comes at them what they did is totally unnecessary and unexcusable, if they're found guilty. The fact that they think it's so inconsequential just blows my mind. This is not what the Marine Corps stands for, and why people do this is just beyond me. I hope I'm allowed to post this, if I'm not just delete it.

  2. #2
    I dont know what to believe in this story. there are so many different possibilities on what could have happened. Bacos could have just been looking for the easy way out and lied in order to shorten his sentence to one year. The story is 1 against 7.
    Or, he could be telling the truth. There were 3 shots to his head, and 7-10 more shots to the chest...thats an awful lot.
    This case is simply going to come down to evidence because its hard to base a case on a "he said, she said" type of deal.
    If this case is true, then those Marines deserve to go to prison. Marines do not kill civilians. I just hope their sentence is based on solid evidence and not on the testimony of one person.

  3. #3
    Innocent until proven guilty.

  4. #4
    So I was browsing in the open squad bay and I guess there is a big controversy over this and these 8 men, well now 7 since the corpsman turned his back and pleaded out are being held and their rights are not being respected.

  5. #5
    Yeah, I am pretty sure they didn't commit any crimes, but that they will be offered as a sacrifice to the media because the people with power don't have what it takes to stand up and tell them no.

  6. #6
    Unfortunately, these 7 Marines won't be the first, nor the last of our servicemembers to be charged and found guilty and imprisoned for political reasons...innocent or not....

  7. #7
    unfortunately for all of them there was a video. unfortunately for all but the corpsman it is now evidence.

  8. #8
    Marines kill Iraqi Civilian is B.S. What is the purpose of war? What is the difference between Iraqi Insurgent and Vietnam Vietcong? They are damn Civilian, but was trained to be a combatants. If we don't kill them, they'll kill us.

  9. #9

  10. #10
    Marine Free Member Marine84's Avatar
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    It is NOT BS fraser! Think about it, you're in a foreign country where EVERYBODY is trained to fight - you do not know going around one corner or another WHO will try to kill you. Better THEM than YOU, you think?

    I say kill 'em all and let GOD sort 'em out! They ALL went through it TOGETHER - this Corpsman should have kept his pie hole shut. Eventually this whole thing would have blown over - they would have probably lost this jail time and that would have been it.

  11. #11
    The worst thing about this is how the Corpsman sold out his Marines. That Corpsman will never be able to go to another unit in the Corps.

    The media needs to get the hell out of Iraq and stop jeopardizing the mission.

  12. #12
    The video means nothing to me, and I hope it won't matter to the members of the courts martial that are selected to judge these men. They killed terrorists, which is what they're supposed to be doing. Now, because those on the left want to make a splash, they're going to go down for it. I think we should put a medal on their chest and tell them well done!

    Now, I suppose there is about a 1% chance that I am wrong and that these people really were innocent. If so, I really feel bad for them and their families. However, "fog of war" is a fact of life. I'm not sure it can be described as a criminal action though.

  13. #13
    SH** happens... Marine kill people, theres probably more to the situation then what they are telling us, im sure it was legit

  14. #14
    Quote Originally Posted by Marine84
    It is NOT BS fraser! Think about it, you're in a foreign country where EVERYBODY is trained to fight - you do not know going around one corner or another WHO will try to kill you. Better THEM than YOU, you think?

    I say kill 'em all and let GOD sort 'em out! They ALL went through it TOGETHER - this Corpsman should have kept his pie hole shut. Eventually this whole thing would have blown over - they would have probably lost this jail time and that would have been it.
    i was saying that the whole situation was not worth it because you can expect casualties in war

  15. #15
    Marine Friend Free Member
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    Oklahoma City
    Rules for the War on Terrorism:

    U.S: You will wear uniforms, give P.O.W's the basic human needs, and play by the rule book.

    Al-Quadia: You will wear civilian clothes, behead P.O.W's, and burn the rulebook!

    (Got that from the Navy Times. My Dad's a retired "Squid")

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