
Anyone who may have sites on Dreamwater should be aware of the following....

You are required to visit the Edit page at least once a month, each site, and make at least minor changes of some kind--else they zap yer pages outta there and your username no longer exists-period! Doesn't matter whether or not your pages are getting daily hits or not--nor how many hits.

They just deleted at least three of my webpages, i.e. Soldiers Of The Sea; The Old Corps; and More About That First Flag On Suribachi--still checking to see if I may have had other pages there too.

Nothing wrong w/what they are doing, it's in the rules, and it is a great site to use (free or otherwise) to put up your pages. But a pain in the ass if ya gotta to do their monkey-drill once a month.

Luckily I could retrieve the contents of all three pages because they were listed at Google.Com....

Because Google maintains a Cache copy of each site listed, you can still click on cache when a page is otherwise no longer on the Internet and still see a Google photocopy of it--this is what I did, and it was a simple matter of cut-n-paste over to some new Angelfire pages--they are now listed/linked again to my Sites page. I have had most of my pages on Angelfire from the time I started 5 years ago, and have never had any problem w/them--I only used a few other pages now and then for the hell of it.

These are the first pages I've ever lost due to the server deleting them--been pretty lucky that way for 5 years now.

Dick Gaines