I knew It!!!!!!
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Thread: I knew It!!!!!!

  1. #1

    I knew It!!!!!!

    I knew it! I f*king knew it was just a matter of time until shome crap like this came out.... ARe you kidding me ....I knew someone was going to say about how poor ole zarqawi was treated unfairly right before he went to hell. Who gives a sh*t , not saying that its true but if it was who care. I wonder if Nick Berg was treated with respect and care before he had his ****** head chopped off. Please ! Please ! just tell me that now there wont be some kind of investigation trying to fry some soldiers for not showing compassion to a piece of garbage like this guy. Give me a break!!!

    BAGHDAD, Iraq -- An Iraqi man who was one of the first people on the scene after an airstrike that led to the death of Abu Musab al-Zarqawi told Associated Press Television News that he saw American troops beating a man who had a beard like the al-Qaida leader.

    The witness said he saw the man lying on the ground, badly wounded but still alive. He said U.S. troops arriving on the scene wrapped the man's head in an Arab robe and began beating him. His account cannot be independently verified.

    The spokesman for the U.S.-led forces in Iraq says troops tried to provide medical attention after they saw that al-Zarqawi was alive but he recognized them as American troops and tried to get away.

    Major Gen. William Caldwell said the troops "re-secured" al-Zarqawi back onto the stretcher before he died almost immediately.
    The two 500-pound bombs that obliterated al-Zarqawi's Iraqi hideout cut a wide swath of destruction.

    There are no remaining walls in the house. Scattered among the debris of concrete blocks is a pillow with a floral pattern, sandals, a foam mattress, a cooler and part of a washing machine.

    A skimpy slip in a leopard skin pattern and other see-through pieces of women's clothing were also found. Three women were among those killed in the house.

  2. #2
    FEFED!!! I have ZERO sympathy for him!

  3. #3
    If so it was an butt kickin he well earned. He couldn't be beat enough or be killed enough times for all he has done. What does it matter if he was killed with bombs, bullets or knuckles? He's dead.


  4. #4
    Marine Free Member Marine84's Avatar
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    Atlanta, GA
    so ahhhhh.......................what's the big deal? And so what 3 women got killed in the process? My Mama always told me that if you lay down with dogs you get fleas. If I wasn't ready to die I would have quit hanging out with him a long time ago.

  5. #5
    Can't you see what all this about?
    I can already see the re-action on the Hill or out in the streets...
    Bombs don't really matter, it's the action up close and personal.
    That they worry about and the damage they think the rest of world will view this report.
    In another report much like this one, there mention of a difference of 1:38 minutes.
    Not much time, as time goes, but they will read into it whatever they want.
    That why they send a team to perform an autopsy on the monster...

  6. #6

    It's all "Politically Motivated"

    All of this you watch and see, will take down hard core Marines, other fighter's, because of some "political" inspired piece of garbage that wants something out of all this insidious bulls***!! The dumb asses don't realize, "THIS IS A DAMN WAR", not some politically, morally, correct, bunch of crap. You ain't got time to think about who is, who ain't, when the bullet's, bombs start falling, around you, at you, I can guarantee you, you don't take the time to think who's doing it, you do what you have to do to keep your ass alive. This makes me sick to my stomach....They are, real fo sho nuff, "MAGGOT'S" SF, give 'em hell Marines, don't cow down to this Crap, we got your back, am I right Marines? Carry on.

  7. #7
    Stanley Hroszow
    Guest Free Member
    Quote Originally Posted by Marine84
    so ahhhhh.......................what's the big deal? And so what 3 women got killed in the process? My Mama always told me that if you lay down with dogs you get fleas. If I wasn't ready to die I would have quit hanging out with him a long time ago.
    And what were you doing with Al- Zarqawi in the first place?

  8. #8
    Marine Free Member CAS3's Avatar
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    Jun 2002
    I will bet money that this "witness' is an insurgent looking for money to support al-Qaida.

    Peiece if crap should have died with this terrorist.
    Think about it...how many Iraqi people died at the hand of this monster.

  9. #9
    Shoot the fuggin witness to, send a loud and clear message!

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