Cindy Sheehan: Michael Moore's Twin?
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  1. #1

    Question Cindy Sheehan: Michael Moore's Twin?

    Cindy Sheehan: Michael Moore's Twin?
    by Patrick Hurley
    Posted Feb 06, 2006

    Just before President Bush entered the Capitol for his State of the Union Address, a security guard looked over and noticed that the new darling of the extreme political left, Cindy Sheehan, had removed her outer jacket revealing a shirt that read, “2,245 Dead. How many more?” The Capitol police immediately arrested her, put her in handcuffs and led her away. Wednesday they apologized to her and admitted what they did was a mistake giving her all the encouragement necessary for her to file a class action lawsuit and have a good chance of winning it.

    I thought “Dumb and Dumber” was a really funny movie. It has become something else: The philosophical strategy being used to harness Ms. Sheehan so her anti-war in Iraq message cannot be heard by the American people. This moronic approach to dealing with Cindy is playing right into her hands, er, mouth. I have not seen this kind of stupidity in public relations since they turned off Ronald Reagan’s microphone thus assuring him the winner in the New Hampshire primary.

    If the Republicans were smart, they would take a more clever approach in taking away this woman’s credibility…

    Let her TALK!

    She is not Governor Reagan. She is Howard Dean. She is not Bill Clinton, she is Billy Carter. The more she says, the less she is believed. The less she is believed, the less she is liked. But, if you continue to surround her with security forces and slap manacles on her, she is going to achieve rock star status.

    Then, she will never shut up.

    As a case in point, take Jesse Jackson. Please. The mouthy reverend actually believed he had a chance to become the President of the United States at one point. He was gathering his supporters, raising money, giving speeches nationwide and deluding himself into thinking, “I can WIN!” No, Jesse, you cannot win. Why? Because what you say is so ridiculous no sane person is going to believe the things that come out of your mind and onto your vocal chords. The only chance that Reverend Yammering had was to follow the traditional axiom on the subject of revealing your thoughts, “It is better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to open it and remove all doubt.” The more Jesse spoke, the less votes he received. Soon, his supporters changed their chant from, “Run, Jesse Run!” to, “Mute, Jesse, MUTE!” He may have been with Martin Luther King on many occasions, but the chasm between his mentor and himself widened by each and every new utterance fluttering out of the Rainbow Coalition’s poster child. He is still talking. Stunningly, he is still losing more and more credibility. I think the only politico who still listens to him is Fidel Castro.

    Enter Cindy Sheehan who believes she is the New Frontier of Feminism. She lost a son in the Iraq war. Heartbreaking, yes; a foundation from which to launch a national campaign for the hearts and minds of liberalism, no. Cindy is like a teenager who believes she is ready for “American Idol,” when in reality she has yet to win her school’s talent show. Her message is, “Hey, I can’t sing, but I lost someone really close to me so can you give me first place here?” Sorry, Cindy, excellence in any field requires more than just sympathy and a sob story. You have to prove to those around you that you are more than just someone who knows how to pitch a tent along a Texas side road. You want to challenge Senator Diane Feinstein? Great. Try running for city council first. Take your act to the level you are on before you show up at a State of the Union Address as if you are Eugene McCarthy in jeans.

    By the way, Cindy, he was already a United States Senator when he challenged another President who was leading us in a war in a land far away and even as a Senator, he got smushed like an armadillo wandering into a tractor pull competition.

    Therein lies the main point here. Why are the Republicans so paranoid about this, uh, wannabe armadillo? Do not pull her out of the tractor pull arena, let her wander to her heart’s delight there. Not to worry, a tractor will soon find her. I would have been delighted to see her sit there in her t-shirt as President Bush delivered his address. Maybe, if we were lucky, she would have jumped up from her seat and began babbling like she normally does, throwing out her customary four-letter curse words and screaming, “I DEMAND a meeting with you, Mr. President! I am the future Senator from California! I will be HEARD!” I agree with her. Let’s hear what she has to say. Because I guarantee you that as America gets a load of this loopy lady, they will soon be shaking their heads, Republican and Democrat alike, as if they all wondered the same thing at the same time…

    “We never knew Michael Moore had a twin sister!”

    Keep talking Cindy. Please.

  2. #2
    This is just Patrick Hurley opinion, but we would be re-missed if we did not mention that Cindy Sheenan has a vested interest to speak out.
    By silencing the Michael Moore's and Cindy Sheenan's of this nation, are we not losing a little freedom.
    Besides there several Marines and us military officers that have spoken out on the folly of going into the big sandbox.
    Do we silenced them?
    Are we only good when we're silence?
    We going the same route as Vietnam, we started Vietnam, with the Tokin Gulf Resolution, somewhere that changed, that after suffering so many dead and wounded, we had to stay the course.
    Yet from a grunt in Vietnam, we could see the lies been told by the politicans up close and personal.
    In Iraq, we started out searching for WMD, than the war was called finished, but that led to an insurgency, that has studied Vietnam and how they bled us.
    Cindy Sheenan's son was one of over 2000 of our dead, giving her vested interest to speak out on the war in Iraq.
    A right I swore to defend to the death if need be...

  3. #3
    Registered User Free Member lovdog's Avatar
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    MillRat: I bet at least 50% of the Marines here at this site have mixed emotions about this war in Iraq, if not more? And if you have one of your children or relatives in the miltary now, you have to be concerned if this is a war that can be justified in your own mind. Would the vote in Congress have been different if those 535 members were going to the front lines, or worse yet, sending their own sons & daughters?? When it becomes personal - its a different story!! If George Bush had two sons and had they been shipped to the front - would he have been so eager to push the envelope so fast?? Its okay though, as long as its not "their kids" on the line, its okay to keep sending more & more as long as there are a few brave ones to replace the killed, maimed and emotionally scarred. And - our kids - sure, they'll do their duty, just like we did because they are members of our military. They are a proud lot, dedicated to make a difference in the world and depend on their leaders, military and civilian to make good, sensible choices to make their sacrifices count and not to merely be used as pawns in a chess game. Now we deal with an enemy that is getting smarter as time progresses, he can afford to sit back and wait for an opening in the our armor. They can take the calculated risks - and not dive headlong into an engagement where they do not have the advantage. Waiting in the shadows because they know that this is a tremendously costly war to the US and its Miltary. And, like Viet Nam, the media will play this to the enemy's advantage, and not the U.S. - because bad things that happen sell more newpapers!! There are alot of companies and industries that stand to gain alot of money on these wars - just like Viet Nam days - as time goes on the questions will get more frequent about the war and most answers swept under the rug!! Just watch the White House reports from time to time - evade every question that deserves an answer - thats seems to be the name of the game nowadays. I wish we could have a crystal ball to see how this war is to turn out 5 or 10 years from now, I just hope that we all learn a lesson from this one and not forget to depend on mistakes of the past to forcast our future. SF

  4. #4
    OK, I got a nephew in the big sandbox, and I pray for his safety every time I remember.
    It not like if I had a son or daughter there.
    My thoughts on Iraq, we never should have gone there, till we had finished with Afghanistan.
    Fighting two wars at the same time makes no sense, in the 21st Century.
    It was possible during World War II and we had a big Army and the largest Marine Corps in history.
    Now with nuclear, we can't afford large forces, they would make too good a target.
    Not that is something to worry about in Iraq or Afghanistan for now.
    What is becoming a burden to some is these mutiple deployments.
    Most of these are 7 months deployments by the MEU's.
    The State of the Union was like most of these events were the President and Vice President are involved, you will be screen and you will be told what is going to be said, than you can write a question.
    If it meets the criteria, you will be allow to ask that question on TV.
    Yet, we can ask, what about all those that are not happy on all these deployments?
    They are just shunned aside as if they didn't matter.
    Ok, you might say those are the 10% in any military unit.
    Yet we would be re-missed if we didn't mention that General Anthony Zinni USMC asked Marines to speak their minds.
    Than you might ask me;
    "What about obeying an order without questioning that order"?
    We than can look to Vietnam and Iraq and see the results of not questioning any order.
    You are required by the UCMJ to obey all the laws governing the armed forces of the United States.
    So by that you must ask yourself is this that they are asking legal?
    Cindy Sheenan, now seeks answers to why her son died, in a war that is questionable on it's legality.
    We haven't found any WMD, to date.
    Where they shipped out pior to our entry into the Iraq war?
    Cindy Sheenan is doing what I did on returning from Vietnam,
    asking the WHY of it all in my mind.
    She has chosen another route, but are we only good when we're silent?

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