Bringing/Getting POV while in MOS school
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  1. #1
    Marine Free Member jellyfish2183's Avatar
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    Apr 2005
    Richmond, Virginia USA

    Question Bringing/Getting POV while in MOS school

    I'm not sure if this would be the most appropriate board for this. But I have a question about POVs I was hoping someone could answer for me.

    I'm on Christmas break right now and am getting ready to go to 29 Palms for my MOS (basic electronics) school come the 3rd of January. On my order it doesn't give any indication that I can bring POV to school. But I've heard that they allow you to bring POV to MOS school is your school is unusually long. I will be in my MOS school for 41 weeks/10 months. Would I be able to bring my vehicle. I can't imagine how I would travel around without a car.

    If anybody can answer this question, I'd greatly appreciate it.

    Semper Fidelis

  2. #2
    I'm not sure how it is now, but when I went to MOS school POV's were strongly discouraged. However, as my MOS school was also at 29 Palms, I can tell you that if you had a car, you would be golden! Plus the C/E schools are very long, and that's assuming that you start classes right away, you may have to spend some time in transient barracks waiting for the next class to begin. Can you fly out, get the lay of the land and have your car follow you once you know what the deal is?

  3. #3
    If your going to the stumps then you want to have your car. You should be allowed to bring your vehicle. You may want to call ahead and check with the school your going to or the Base MP office should know. Either way if you CAN take it then TAKE it. You don't want to be in the stumps with no way to get away. Just remember to have everyhting in order with your vehicle. Registration, insurance, no broken wind shields , etc...... If you have equipment problems your not going to be allowed on base until they are corrected.

    PS: If your planning on a cross country drive, plan well.

    Semper Fi

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