The Democratic Senators are really showing their ignorance again. The minority leadership are trying to follow a very unimaginative script. Trying to trip up Nominee Roberts with questions related to work he did for clients.

From today's NY Times
Later, when Senator Russell D. Feingold, Democrat of Wisconsin, pressed the issue again, the nominee could barely contain his exasperation. "Senator," Judge Roberts, 50 years old, said, "you keep referring to what I supported and what I wanted to do. I was a 26-year-old staff lawyer. It was my first job as a lawyer, after my clerkships. I was not shaping administration policy."
Truly an outstanding answer to any number of truly useless questions.

If they were really serious about putting his feet to the fire, all they have to do is look at his resume.

His first job on the bench was confirmed by the Senate on May 8, 2003, and received commission on June 2, 2003.

That was just over 2 years ago. And now he is up for the top slot in the Judiciary! Who would promote a new 1st Lt to the Commandant of the Marine Corps?

What really gets me is that Honest Ed Kennedy and Co. are playing along.

When the resume of that planted White House Press Corps reporter Jim Guckert was investigated, he was dropped like a hot potato.

A few days after Time Magazine starting rooting around FEMA Director Mike Brown's resume, he was dropped. Well, Brown wasn't officially dropped, but they certainly didn't "stop-loss" him.

What's it going to take for the Democratic Party to start using their brain housing? Rove is eating their lunch, and they are asking if he wants fries with that.

Nader, or hell even H Ross, is looking better to me every day!