Fit and proud of it
The News Enterprise
May 17, 2005

The Marines might be the few and the proud, but not even a few were at the annual Marine Corps Physical Fitness Meet Monday.

The 14th annual Marine Corps Physical Fitness Meet was held at Bruin Field at Central Hardin High School with eight elementary schools from the Hardin County Schools system participating in the event. The Marines sponsor the event, but none were able to attend it this year.

Teachers involved in the meet discovered Sunday night the Marines weren't going to be there, said Kermit Olive, a Lakewood Elementary physical education teacher. While no one knew for certain why the Marines weren't able to participate, Olive said the officer who had been coordinating the event was shipped out in February, and that could be the cause of the mix-up.

Mitch Corbin, a Lincoln Trail P.E. teacher, said he knows the Marines are busy and doesn't hold it against them for not attending.

"We appreciate them protecting our country," he said.

Despite the short notice, the teachers said they thought the event went well.

"It's gone real smooth, really," Corbin said.

Marines typically do the scoring for all of the events and hand out prizes at the end, Corbin said. To make up for their absence, teachers did the scoring for the events with the help of two elementary school administrators and Central Hardin students, who were let out of class to help.

"We couldn't have done it without those guys," Corbin said. He said he also appreciated Central Hardin's principal, Ron Ortiz, for letting the students help.

Kerry Reeves, Lakewood Elementary's assistant principal, said he was asked to help out with the event Sunday night. It was his first time coming to the event.

"It's been a lot of fun," he said. "I've enjoyed it, getting to see the kids compete."

Each school sends six students in kindergarten through third grade and six students in fourth and fifth grades to represent them. The children are chosen through physical fitness tests at the schools, said Josh Johnson, a G.C. Burkhead Elementary School P.E. teacher.

The meet has five events: sit-ups, push-ups, pull-ups, the long jump and the shuttle run. The students compete against their schoolmates in the events, and then the best student competes against the best from other schools in the same event. The events each have two heats, one for younger students and one for older.

Lakewood Elementary won the meet with the most points, in both the younger and older student categories.

Allen Brawner, a Creekside Elementary School P.E. teacher, said the meet promotes fitness and gives the students a sense of pride.

"Anything we can do to get these kids involved is what we're trying to do here," he said.

Tammara Bates, a mother of a Parkway fourth-grader, said the meet and athletics in general help her son have good self-esteem.

"I think it's great for any kid and their future, too," she said.

Zach Wagner, a third-grader at Rineyville Elementary School, received the individual top score for sit-ups for students in third grade or younger. He also participated in the pull-up and shuttle run events. He said running was his favorite event.

"I just like to run," he said.

Kelly Richardson can be reached at 769-1200, Ext. 230, or e-mail her at krichardson@the

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