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  1. #31
    this is the guy who took the video:

    what should Kevin Sites have done with his story on a lone Marine who murdered a wounded insurgent? The answer is simple: he should have reported the incident up the chain of command, period.

    By playing the journalistic ***** that he is, he has made things much worse for our fighting men and women. Remember Abu Ghraib? This is worse than Abu Ghraib. Abu Ghraib was nothing more than a bunch of childish pranks which offended cultural sensitivities. This was murder.

    When the terrorists murder innocent Westerners they go to great lengths to dress them in the garb of Abu Ghraib. Because of the reckless way in which the media portrayed that scandal, many in the Middle East became convinced that the abuse at the infamous prison was just as bad under the US occupation as it was under Saddam Hussein. Abu Ghraib was the turning point. After Abu Ghraib many in Iraq became convinced that since the Americans were equally brutal, they might indeed have been better off under Saddam Hussein--at least under Hussein there was peace.

    Kevin Sites, more interested in a Pulitzer than in the lives of American soldiers, has stolen the victory which was Fallujah and handed us defeat. Already, al Jazeera and the Arab News portray the Fallujah assault as one of murder, mass civilian casualties, and a humanitarian nightmare. Add Sites' report to the mix of lies routinely broadcast around the Arab world and what you get is proof positive, in the eyes of many, that the US is exactly as Noam Chomsky describes it: the world's greatest terrorist.

    this is kevin sites other web site he is a anti war activist

  2. #32
    Registered User Free Member jfreas's Avatar
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    Damn sure wouldn't wanna be this reporter if he goes out with another Marine Unit. This young Marine did just what he was trained to do end of conversation.

  3. #33

    How do you support your comment:..

    "...a lone Marine who murdered a wounded insurgent?"

    Do you belive this was murder?? Is that your position? If so I suspect you'll have a lot of argurments from many on this site. So clarify if you can.

    Sites was the embedded pool reporter with this squad. His video was going to get out regardless of his position. It is another arguement entirely as to the wisdom of pool reporters going out on patrols with Marines or others.

    I don't know his politics but will check your ref's However, the one brief comment I saw come from him after the actions was supportive of this Marine

  4. #34
    its not murder . that marine did what he had to do. he is with 3rd bn 1 st marines.... I was in that battalion almost 20 years ago I feel so bad for that marine I hope nothing happens to him because he did no wrong. now for kevin sikes he is a anti war person that has worked for cnn, nbc and abc. he is a contractor not an an emplloyee of nbc he has an agenda in iraq to make the us armed forces look bad.

  5. #35
    if he was supportive of our marine why did al- jazeera put out this video first?

  6. #36
    Originally posted by gbudd
    Thanks for you support braeden. You are in very good company here.
    no doubt. the marines are all I know. my father dropped 30 years before the clinton administration forced him out. he retired, I found my way to P.I.

  7. #37
    Muffinman: Given that you have clarified your position then consider that your use of the word "murder" is incorrect.

    I personnally don't give a crap what Sites position is on anything. Fact is our gov't/ defence dept allowed him to be the pool reporter with that squad. He was doing his job. Also don't give a rats ass what or who put the video on air: NBC, ABC, or al jezeera.

  8. #38
    The Marines are operating with liberal rules of engagement.

    "Everything to the west is weapons free," radios Staff Sgt. Sam Mortimer of Seattle, Washington. Weapons Free means the marines can shoot whatever they see -- it's all considered hostile.
    I don't see where this should even be an issue. The marine did his duty. He protected himself and his marines. There are two types of people in Fallujah, and I am not trying to come off as cliché, but there are good guys and bad guys. If you aren't with us, you're clearly one of them, e.g. suspect and subject to hostility. If one of my squad mates lost his life trying to help a wounded enemy and then I was put in a simialr situation shortly thereafter; there is no question as to where that round would have gone.

  9. #39
    Originally posted by themuffinman
    this is the guy who took the video:

    this is kevin sites other web site he is a anti war activist

    Captured once, kevin writes in his web site;

    "We are eventually released, but have lost one of our trucks, most of our gear and all of our money; thousands in U.S. dollars that were supposed to help buy us out of binds like this one. "

    Who's supplying the terrorist with funds? CNN and NBC?

  10. #40


    Kevin writes;

    So in some ways, embedded in this unit, I begin to feel I've betrayed the people that depend on me to be skeptical; to question the dominant powers and institutions of my nation and the actions it undertakes in the name of its citizens.

    I am not a military or American cheerleader, not a mouthpiece signed on to some institutional agenda whether I believe in it or not. I am here to ask the hard questions of the people who make the hardest decisions; ones that result in people dying or people being killed.

    I must remember as one journalist advised, "write in your notepad every day 'I am not one of them.'

  11. #41

    Kevin Sites

    Friends, photographers and artists related in the past 17 years to Galerie Lichtblick ... were invited to give their visual statement against war.

    Kevin Sites submitted these visual statement against war, they are his contributing statement against America's involvement in this war and reveals he is a wolf in sheep's clothing, embedded with Marines, that protect his life, while he betrays their trust.

    Against The War

  12. #42


    *disclaimer* This might flame ya'll, but I think you all should take a look at this. I was reading another forum in reference to this subject here. Basically it is a discussion about whether or not Sites is a traitor, (which shouldn't be much of a discussion at all). Anywho, I reading some of the comments when I come to this particular post:

    The real coward is the ******* Marine. He brought all of this on himself. You going to fight in a war? At least try to play by the rules, please.

    Quit defending a murderer and shut up already.
    a.k.a. Stacy Braukman

    Needless to say I have 'expressed' my disgust with this woman via her e.mail addy, for whatever good that might do. This is the type of thing that makes me ill. I'll never figure out why the world tolerates such ignorance.

  13. #43
    Sites needs to go down as a friendly casuality as far as i am concerned. screw that B*****d

  14. #44
    Sites just pack your TRASH and MOVE in with the rest of the towelheads.

  15. #45
    Originally posted by DSchmitke
    Sites just pack your TRASH and MOVE in with the rest of the towelheads.
    Gosh darn DSchmitke

    yOu done and gave me a screwy Light Bulb of an Idea!


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