RNC Convention
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Thread: RNC Convention

  1. #1
    Guest Free Member

    RNC Convention

    Senator McCain gave a great speech. Him as VP would be a good choice. Mayor Rudy laid it on a bit thick but was equally impressive. I thought there was a bit too much reference to 9/11. Yes, we need to remember, but it was almost to the point of politicising it.

  2. #2
    Each party spends hundreds of hours deciding what needs to be stressed during their convention. The Dems obviously thought it was Kerry's wartime service many moons ago. That turned out to be a mistake. Now its the Reps turn. Based on last night, it appears that the theme will be the President's strength in the aftermath of 9/11, a very strong point for the REps and one Kerry can't hope to put a dent in.

    Remains to be seen how the voters react. Also, lets see if the Reps turn their attention to the future and to issues other than the admittedly very important extremist threat. I'd love to hear what their plan for the future is aside from that. I didn't hear a lot of that from the Dems, and I doubt if I will this week either.

  3. #3


    I agree.. I REALLY want to hear any plans for the near future and distant future, and on domestic issues.

    Any comments so far on the "The war on terror can't be won" line?

    I personally believe GW was trying to say there wont be a peace treaty.

  4. #4
    Pres is right. A war on terror which ends conventionally (i.e. with a surrender) is impossible with people who view dying for their casue as preferable. All you can hope to do is weaken them, keep them occupied, kill as many as you can. Better to do all of that on foreign soil than here at home. To fight a war like this takes guts, and it takes guts to deal with the invevitable criticism from the electorate when you can't promise them a quick resolution.

    Frankly, I think Bush's comment means he has given a lot more thought on this issue than I would haver expected. He has no illusions about where we go from here. Contrast that with Kerry, who has illusions (delusions?) that somehow the rest of the world will join in to bail us out if he is elected.

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