What will the infantry be like as a woman?
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  1. #1

    What will the infantry be like as a woman?

    So what is it like to be a woman in the infantry? If you aren't in the infantry, have you heard stories? I/m 15 and I know 100% that I want WILL be infantry, I just want to know what it will be like. I want to know if I will have to deal with people talking sh*t about me just because I'm a woman. I know it will not be easy but challenges have never stopped me before. So any advice? I mean obviously I will have to prove myself over and over again because women have not been allowed in the infantry for long. I just want to know what to expect. So your opinions about weather or not women should be in infantry, personal stories, or stories that you've heard of, would all be appreciated!

    Thanks so much for your time and responses!
    Maddie B

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  2. #2
    Google "Female Engagement Team /FET " and spend time reading the info.

  3. #3
    Be very careful in what you ask for Honey.

  4. #4
    Marine Free Member FistFu68's Avatar
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    The Highest of Highs & the Lowest of Lows your Young Butt could eVer imagine Grasshopper

  5. #5
    You might not like my opinion, but frankly, I don't care! Women as grunts is IMO nothng but a way to make balless decision makers feel good. Decision makers who for the most part whom have never served in combat.

    It is an experiment that is doomed for failure. The quicker it fails, then we can get on with what needs to be done.


  6. #6
    Marine Free Member m14ed's Avatar
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    Today, 12:33 PM #5

    few have a better way to say it

  7. #7

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  8. #8
    Hammer, while I do not particularly like it I did ask for your opinion regardless of your stand point and I do believe there is something to be said for knowing why both sides think the way they do. I also, appreciate your responding even though you do not believe women should be in the infantry because few people actually post when they disagree, it gives a very one-sided outlook on these topics. Would you be able to expand more? Could you tell me why you don't think women should join? Like is it anything on the women's part or is it all just the way the deal was handled?

  9. #9
    Advanced, why? I believe that I know a fair amount about what I'm asking for (I know that I can by no means say I know it all). I know that will never have things even remotly easy and I accept that. I feel like you have to ask for what you want and if you don't you'll never know/do what you wanted to and you will only have yourself to blame. I'm done with blaming myself for not taking opportunities that I latter wish I'd taken. Also, were you saying I should be careful asking for an infantry position or were you saying I should be careful asking for others opinions? I feel that either way my response is valid but I am interested to know what you meant because I do want all the insight into this that I can get.
    Thank you!

  10. #10
    Sweetie, Grunts are a special breed. The training is very tough, the life is very tough. It's not just the Physical part that's tough.....the mental wear and tear is horrific. There is no room for modesty in the Grunts. No sympathy for the weak. Also, being a female.....you would be having to prove yourself every day. When I was in the Corps....bad things happened to Marines that could not pull their weight. No one wants a person around that might put their life in jeopardy. Good luck.

  11. #11
    DanM, are FEts still an ongoing thing? I figured once women were allowed into the infantry the two jobs would just blend together and women would help out communicating when infantry teams were in places where it was needed. Obviously I don't know everything nor do I pretend I do, I just assumed that the FETs would just combine with normal infantry teams.

  12. #12
    Thanks Mongoose and I completely agree with that. I know that from day 1 (of boot camp) till the day I leave the Marines, I will be proving myself. I accept that. I have been constantly having to prove myself my whole life, obviously this is very different but proving myself is no stranger to me. I believe I understand some of what the mental wear and tear will be like and honestly I don't care, I have put things before myself for as long as I can remember. I'm willing to take all the sh*t that comes with it if I get the chance to be in the infantry. It has become this far off dream of mine and everything I do everyday is to help me get there, everything I do is to help me be able to prove from the get go that I can carry my own weight and if need be I can help someone else carry their weight too. I know things will always be tough but I am no stranger to tough and I have always risen to the occasion before and I am more determined than ever to get this. I don't want anyone to expeditions for me, if I can't do it, don't let me join. I want to join the infantry with everything in me but not at the cost of someone else's life, my wants shouldn't come before someone else's life or our country's needs.
    As for why I gave that incredibly long response, I truly do want you guys to give me all the insight on if infantry is right for me. I know that you guys cannot see me or see my ability and such, so I try to put as much in my posts as I can so you all can get a feel for who I am and maybe offer some insight as to whether or not my personality matches with infantry. I would however like to throw out there that just because someone one here says not to join, that does not mean I'm not gonna join, but I will take it into consideration.
    Thank you all for your time and responses!

  13. #13
    Not sure if FET's still exist or not. Not heard anything about them lately. I know they existed before infantry positions were open to females on a voluntary basis. They accompanied grunts and corpsmen to interact with local national females (body searches mostly). Until every infantry platoon has female grunts in place (that is not the case now and will take some time), seems like FET's would still be needed for the same mission in Muslim countries. Unless the Marine Corps just decided to abandon the idea and do away with them entirely.

  14. #14
    Thanks Tennessee Top, I didn't see anything too recent when I looked it up online but, I figure that doesn't guarantee that FETs aren't a thing anymore. I agree it makes sense to keep them around until there are more women in the infantry.

  15. #15
    Miss. Barnes, let me turn this around somewhat. We have heard you say you are tough enough, mental enough, can prove yourself daily, and you are ready for the challenge. What I would like to hear, is what you think life in the Grunts is all about. How they live and what they think. Mind you, anyone wanting to be something, has to have an image or idea of what they think it is.

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