Am I Disqualified From The Marines? Please Help
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  1. #1

    Am I Disqualified From The Marines? Please Help

    Okay so my life long Dream was always to become a Marine, but now I've been told by others no way on hell I can join. I have a juvenile criminal record with 3 assault DV's and a MIP, also I got a DUI I got charged as an adult... I've been on probation for 2 years pretty, much what's the DQ'S for enlisting with a record? Also I'm pursuing my GED because I needed to help my family financially since 8th grade so I was out working whatever job I could and not keeping up with grades so I got a GED release from my high-school this year at the beginning of my jr year. I'm 18 in less than a month and will have my ged before my 18th I plan. Also I have tattoos which I believe are regulation fine. My whole back pretty much is tattooed, it's a Deer Skull with a 6x6 rack and also I have a religion tattoo on my left peck invisible which is Odin's Horn with asatru runes around it.


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  2. #2
    Marine Platinum Member Zulu 36's Avatar
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    Seminole County
    First of all a recruiter probably will turn you away with just a GED. You will also need to get 15 college credit hours to go along with it. As far as your criminal record I can''t say, but it doesn't look good. You would require a morality waiver. Also, to even have a chance you would need to be successfully completed with probation.

    FYI I deleted your other two posts on this matter as only one is needed and this is the correct forum for it.

  3. #3
    Go sit down with a recruiter. Besides everything else in your background (which is abnormally violent to say the least and not the type of character we're looking for), they need to look at your tattoos - if your interview gets that far which I doubt. Your background is more suitable for a gang and not the US military.

  4. #4
    I'm a firm believer that a mistake shouldn't ruin someones life, but it sounds like you made a lot. Your best bet is to meet with a recruiter and see what, if anything, they can do.

    If your lifelong dream was to be a Marine you seem to have not really cared all that much about your dream. Once or twice could be a mistake, but what you've identified as a pattern of misbehavior. Maybe the snapshot we are getting is skewed, but a recruiter will better be able to answer your questions.


  5. #5
    Quote Originally Posted by Tennessee Top View Post
    Go sit down with a recruiter. Besides everything else in your background (which is abnormally violent to say the least and not the type of character we're looking for), they need to look at your tattoos - if your interview gets that far which I doubt. Your background is more suitable for a gang and not the US military.
    My assault charges were from me defending myself from my abusive father for the first times in my whole life just to clarify. But what do you mean more suitable for a gang?

  6. #6
    Quote Originally Posted by AndrewAhrems View Post
    My assault charges were from me defending myself from my abusive father for the first times in my whole life just to clarify. But what do you mean more suitable for a gang?
    he means that judging from all the you have done, he is not sure that you would be able to stand up to being told what to wear, how to stand, don't put your hands in your pockets, stand straight, tying boots and shews left over right, silence on guard duty, total silence on lp's or op's.. saying yes sir, no sir, doing your job without question, and if you feel you were wrong then talk to someone after the job is done.

    things like that..

  7. #7
    What I mean is, you have had too much contact with the legal system (much like gang members do). Whether you feel it was just is irrelevant - you still had the contact. I don't know what DV's and MIP mean - could be serious or could not, I don't have a clue. I do know assault and DUI means you violated the law and you did it more than just once (just like gang members do).

    Every Marine today must have a final Secret security clearance. In order to attain that clearance, a background investigation is done to include a police check. I don't see anybody giving you a security clearance based on your legal history but that's just my opinion. Go talk to your local recruiter and see what they say.

    Good luck

  8. #8
    also Top, I think, at least it sounds like to me, that he has authority issues. doesn't like being told what to do and when to do it..

  9. #9
    ^^^agreed. Most people who have run-in's with the law (like gang members), also have problems with accepting authority. Recruiters are trained in how to ferret those individuals out. Or, they may simply not have the time to deal with them and their baggage. There are simply too many people wanting to join with clean records so why waste the time.

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