Female wanting mos 03xx
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  1. #1

    Female wanting mos 03xx

    First off let me apologize if I am not doing this correctly just joined with you guys and not sure what I'm doing exactly.
    I'll start off with a little about me I am a 19 year old female who has had the goal of going 03xx for the past 6 months. I have always been stronger than majority of my even male peers and love anything that involves an adrenaline rush and a challenge whether it being physically or mentally so that being said one might see why I'm so about being one of the few and earning the title of a Marine and not only that but a Grunt. So when they opened 03xx to females I became set I was going to be one of the first female to go and make it through. I have no doubt I can physically and mentally do it I have trained to pass all MALE requirements being that I feel they should be same for both genders, war is not fare you will never go up against less because you're a female. I know I could hold my own weight plus my brothers next to me that's not the question. I have been so set on female should be aloud in the infantry but lately with a lot of research I have even began to question the idea. Not because I don't think there are bada** females out there who can get the job done but more so that the grunts have held such level of success how things are. What would be the pros of adding even extremely capable female into their "brotherhood" . I found myself not finding any pros other than to please the public women deserve equal rights crap which I agree on but not when the pros are outweighed by serious cons. Cons being that these female Marines disrupt the brotherhood causing unneeded drama between a bond where one is willing to die for the one to their right and left. Sexual assault which yes is hoped to avoided but has to be expected being that these are a large group of young men surrounded by more young men and now a strong female is thrown in the mix. Let's be realistic now there's a good chance of some sexual tension or what not it's only natural.
    I guess my reasoning behind wanting to post this on here and hear your responses is the fact that I haven't been there. You guys have. Going 03xx is something I have been so dedicated to and been training so hard for but now I'm left with is it right for me to selfishly follow through to prove it to myself and peers that "Ha told you I had it in me" .. Am I at the end of the day a benefit to the Corps in this position or just a unnecessary disruption to a so successful group of war fighters. I've gone into my recruiter and gotten everything majority of the way figured out and I'm so set on making sure I have a Infantry contract and then I start questioning myself, again not for the sake of not being able to prove my salt and successfully make it through but is there truly a place for female in Combat. Thanks to anyone who read this sorry if it's a little of just me going back and forth with myself. Just really want to make the best decision not only for me but for the Corps as well. Give your input if you're able to anything is appreciated.

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  2. #2
    My take on this, and always has been.....if you can handle the training and the mental abuse, your sure to have......so be it. Times have changed since I served, but, if you have the heart and guts....go for it. Around 200 female's have been killed in Iraq and Afgan. There are plenty of males that have no business in a Snuffie unit.

  3. #3
    Quote Originally Posted by Mongoose View Post
    My take on this, and always has been.....if you can handle the training and the mental abuse, your sure to have......so be it. Times have changed since I served, but, if you have the heart and guts....go for it. Around 200 female's have been killed in Iraq and Afgan. There are plenty of males that have no business in a Snuffie unit.
    Thank you for the response I go back into my recruiter this week so definitely appreciate the input and advice.

  4. #4
    Quote Originally Posted by YouResultYou View Post
    is there truly a place for female in Combat. Give your input if you're able to as anything is appreciated.
    That's a very subjective question and a potentially contentious, divisive one depending on who decides to chime in.
    I just wanted you to be aware of that if you weren't already.

    My opinion on this subject is not only quite firm but also 180 degrees from what's currently PC and even what may be likely consensus on this forum.
    I'll just leave it at that.

    So...it's your decision...best to you on whatever path you take.

    Carry on.....

  5. #5
    Thank you for the response sir. Hope I make the right decision.

  6. #6
    I was an 0311, be careful of what you wish for. It's a total Alpha world. Actually I should have said ALPHA + world.

  7. #7
    Quote Originally Posted by YouResultYou View Post
    Thank you for the response sir. Hope I make the right decision.
    I should qualify myself a bit more specifically.
    I'm not saying you should not try to earn the EGA.
    It's the MOS you are choosing....0311. (or any direct ground combat MOS)

    Advanced gave you a clue to my take on this subject.

    Carry on....

  8. #8
    The only problem is that I'm a fan of that "Alpha+ world" idea challenge.. It's more if for say a Alpha female was going to try to come into their world and be seen as just another grunt if she's completely capable and earned the title the same way as them could they see her/me as just another grunt. Like you mess with brother you're gunna get the p*ssed off sister kind of deal.. I know this is kind of a hard subject/question to be trying to ask for opinions and advice on and is also one that at the end of the day I will just have to decide on because I haven't been there and won't really know until I have. It's just nice to get Marines that have been there's view.
    Again thank you all for all the advice, a lot to think about.

  9. #9
    Honey, Grunts go crazy around women. My concern is that all you'll see is their tongues and you know what's hanging out.

    You have not been around these types of men before. They'll go out of their way to help you, I fear at the loss of their brothers. These are the men that smash and blow things up, these are not school boys.

  10. #10
    as for me personally I think that if women want to be 03's then that is fine, but I think it should be in all Female units, no intermixing. they can get the same training but without any distractions. but if you can do the work then go for it and expect no sympathy or special treatment, lives will depend on it.

    but aside from that, as to what advanced said, look up what Eleanor Roosevelt said about Marines, she was one of the few that understood a lot about Marines, the former First Lady had no qualms about it..lol

  11. #11
    Marine Free Member m14ed's Avatar
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    Aug 2008
    Chaos, Massachusetts
    "the view from behind" ,

    like watching two kids fighting
    under a blanket..

    this looks like a RockyC post.
    how soon we forget

  12. #12
    Sweetie, I've been and done that. Don't pay any attention to these old farts. Some of 'em fought in the Civil War. They're probably wishing they were young again, after looking at your Avatar. You get in there and kick some ass. Nothing more dangerous than a woman Marine out for blood. Would have loved to have had you in my fighting hole with me.

  13. #13
    Marine Free Member gkmoz's Avatar
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    May 2010
    Northeast ,Ohio
    I'm an old guy, and my thinking is to many "ifs" ? I was an amtrak er and having a female in our barracks or just maneuvers ? would be complicated enough ! let alone in a combat situation ? as for you personally? I think of the hygiene aspect in a combat unit alone would be a problem? lot of things you may not have given much thought too? and then there is the other side of the coin? the natural instinct of a man to protect a women / so that is my opinion on the subject, the rest is up to you? good luck

  14. #14
    " but if you can do the work then go for it and expect no sympathy or special treatment, lives will depend on it. "
    Yes agreed irpat54 not expecting any special treatment whatsoever, more so for possibly worse. All the more reason to succeed. Thank you for the support

  15. #15
    Thank you Mongoose ready as hell to embrace the suck and kick some ass

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