I Want "veteran's" As Biggest Issue
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  1. #1

    Angry I Want "veteran's" As Biggest Issue

    I would just once like to see someone in office/runnin' for office to put "VETERAN'S" UP FRONT along with a submission of some sort of new "help" with the starving in our own country......I get a bit tired of hearing these veteran's, as they fall off the stool at the local VFW/American Legion club, "I will always "vote" for?????" And us a new group of emerging elder Veteran Statesman, we don't just sit back and take it, we ask questions, no more of this, do it blindly. I know it's a very long, long shot, but, maybe someday, our politicians, no matter what party, will eventually for once, worry 'bout our country. Yes, I know we are tryin' to keep the terrorists out, but, we can't ignore those who served, serving now, and our poor, hungry, homeless, jobless, and I pray, it will happen. Thanks, I'm gone.

  2. #2

  3. #3
    Big Eagle6,

    In some cases, (not all) Veteran's make problems for themselves. I put the Country before myself.
    I find that every time the VA wants more money to help US POOR VETERAN'S they find a way to waste it, like wanting to close the VA Hospital in Big Spring, TX ( after just putting over $1,000,000 in redoing ) and then build a new one 50 miles to the West at Odessa, TX. Makes since to you?
    Don't put the VFW down, they do one hell of a job in helping the Disabled Veteran's. My Post here in Abilene, Tx drives them to the VA Hospital when they need a ride, collect money to help the ones who cannot find or hold a job.
    You as a emerging elder Veteran Statesman, I doubt that. You sound like one of the Veteran's that thinks the world owes you a living just because you went to Vietnam, a hell of a lot of us went to Nam and we don't get up on a soap box complaining about what owed to us, I am 100% disabled due to serving in Vietnam, my Country doesn't owe me a dime for that. I would do it all over again if I had to and ask nothing in return.
    We have food banks in this country that YOU can give too to help the starving people here, ( a lot of our so called starving people are those who are too lazy to get out and work), I find that if you really wanted a job you would look in the LOCAL PAPER under employment and there you could find a job, You blame the President.
    I like the way that our Democrat leaders are blaming the President for all of the unemployment in this country, I remember when Bill "Slick Willie" Clinton was President he made jobs that a lot of small towns could not afford to continue after the tax payers paid for the first year ( that was Slicks deal) when the Government cut funding for it. Yes he did produce a lot of jobs for one year.
    Now you want to put the same people back into office to run this country, "Balance the Budget". "raise our taxes", "free medical for the poor" (welfare), can't you see why our medical is so high? With people like Senator John Edwards (running for President) a Trial Lawyer who helps drive up the cost of Insurance with his malpractice cases, you blame the President.
    John Kerry went to Vietnam, like you and I did, he had a job to do and he did it, like we did. Then he came back and took off his uniform , protested the war while a lot of young men were loosing their lives fighting for our country. Now he blames the Republicans George W. Bush party for his war with Iraq, who does he blame for the war with Korea and Vietnam, Jack Kennedy or Lyndon Baines Johnson?

    Semper Fi,
    GySgt Marvin Bush USMC Retired
    Former Democrat who saw the light.

  4. #4
    Marine Free Member
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    Jul 2002
    Black River Falls
    The veterans are just another "special interest group".

    Just a note to 4669, if the country doesn't owe you anything, send back the disability check. Bush could use it to balance his budget.

  5. #5
    I believe 4669 was speaking rehtorically. You know what that is don't cha Ivalis?
    The problem with the Veterans is that we are not a large enough group and not solidified as a voting block. In other words, we are a minority, with an axe to grind, and rightfully so. Not only does this minority want something-we want a lot of it. Scares the heck out of congressmen and presidents. Even more so to candidates. On the one hand, they want to appear sympathetic to our needs, on the other-they don't want to have it come back to haunt them by the non-militaty puplic and/or at appropriations time. The public would just prefer we go away altogether, as they want that funding for themselves. We gotta save the owl and snail eater ya know.
    I feel that 4669 was a little tough on Big Eagle. While I have had a good job here in San Angelo for years, the employment picture isn't as rosy everywhere else. The economy is up, but the job market is sill lagging due to downsizing and technological advances-we can produce more with fewer people. The description is the sterotype too many Americans already believe. I don't think vets should have to rely on food banks and handouts such as you suggest. Vets have earned a little more than the yuppy who suddenly finds himself out of his $250,000 home because he made some poor business or stock option choices. If we can't present a unified stance among ourselves, how are we to convince the rest of the nation at the voting booth? There are indeed some veterans that are on the street corners, but it is disproportionate to the numbers who contribute to the well being of the nation. Most of the ones you see on the corners with the "Starving Veteran" signs never served a day. They are just deadbeats using it as means to a fast easy buck, and we get the backlash from it. If anyone has any constructive ways to further the issue of vet's needs, let's hear em.

  6. #6
    Marine Free Member CAS3's Avatar
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    Here are some facts:
    The Department of Veteran Affairs is less than a block from the White House and 15 blocks from the Capitol.
    Do you honestly believe the President has any say on how much the VA gets for a budget. Hell no.
    There is a report put out evry year by AMVETS, American Legion, VFW and DAV that tells CONGRESS what the VA needs. Congress makes the decision. Legislaters, Congressman and special interest attorneys have done very little to assist veterans'. So, call your congressman when a bill is about to be passed to give the VA more money. Republican or Democrat...most do not do diddly for veterans. As a veteran for the past 12 years, I have seen both parties and I believe the Republican run Congresshas done a little bit better than the democratic party. I don't want my tax dollars going to save the fing squirels in the fing rain forest. I want tmy money to go to people in this country that deserve it.
    And on another note,
    I have witnessed veterans receiving a check for hundreds of thousands of dollars for back pay due to a disability and I believe the vets deserved it. And don't ever come near my check..I WILL HURT YOU!

  7. #7
    Marine Free Member
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    Black River Falls
    Cass, are you saying that the office of the president is merely a rubber stamp for congress? You are dreaming.

  8. #8
    Hey Ivalis,

    You sound really bitter. What's wrong, man? According to your profile, you served in the Corps. What soured you on veterans? I refer to the statement "Vets are just another 'special interest group'.", followed by suggesting disability checks be sent back.

    So what gives? Have you got an old unsettled beef with the someone, or with a particular unit, or the entire Marine Corps, or is it the whole nation you don't like? I find that hard to accept. A man doesn't pass through the portal into the brotherhood, then just turn it all off and walk away. The fact that you are a regular member here echoes that assessment.

    I'd really like to understand where you are coming from. I'm not angry, but I am puzzled. I just hate puzzles. Help me understand what happened to you. Talking about it may not make it right, but it will get the monster off your chest. Talk to me, Ivalis.


  9. #9
    It's a tradition in America to screw veterans.
    It started after the Revolution and continues.
    They make promises and then break them. Simple.
    How can you tell a politician is lying? Watch his lips. If they're moving, he's lying.

  10. #10


    Cas? You said it all..."great!!" Just what I was tryin' to say....just one time, we as Veterans get what we "ALL DESERVE."




  11. #11

    Well one thing for sure..

    Kerry is not going to put Veterans up front.

    He abandoned us once, and he certainly hasn't been a leader in Veterans issue as a US Senator.

    Now, all of a sudden he's displaying his Veteran experience without having said anything but negative remarks about the war in Iraq. Didn't he learn from the Anti-War protesting, how that only encouraged the enemy to kill more Americans?

    Don't expect anything from Kerry, except to screw Veterans again, this time to support liberal programs.

  12. #12
    I'll bet that Kerry and Hanoi Jane are on each others Christmas card list.

  13. #13
    Marine Free Member CAS3's Avatar
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    Jun 2002
    I wonder what Hanoi Jane threw over the White House fence?

  14. #14
    The problem has been addressed here, but I want to talk about it a little more. People sometimes forget that being a politician is a job, and their number one focus has to be to keep that job. That may not be what people want to see, but it is fact. Plus, no matter how great a person's ideas are, if they don't remain in office they will never be made into reality. That being said, they have to respond to the groups with the loudest voice. That is not us. Veterans have a tendency to sit back and complain about what is going on, but never really do anything about it. If something is to be done, we need to put aside all of the political differences and other animosities and focus on our agenda. Look at the AARP. They are a very powerful group, made up of people from all over the political spectrum, and they focus on the issues of older Americans. Politicians have no choice but to listen to them. It is known that they vote in just about every election, and that you will not win if you don't take their needs into account. They keep in constant contact with their elected officials, ensuring that their wishes are known. They hire big gun lobbyists to work on their behalf, and basically ensure that nothing happens that they don't like.
    We can do the same thing, but it wouldn't be easy. It would take every vet showing up at every election, and refusing to cast a ballot for a candidate that does not work to protect veterans. At times, this may mean voting for a candidate that you do not usually agree with. It may mean a strong democrat voting republican, or vice versa. It would mean making sure that every one of us gets all of our veteran friends to do the same thing. It would also entail joining a group like the American Legion or VFW, except it would be a group that focuses on political matters. I have had a dream of getting something like that rolling... but it will take much more than one person working on it in their free time.

  15. #15
    Big Eagle6
    Man did I hit a nerve, wasn't out to run down Veterans, hell I'm one of them. 100% of the Retired Disable Veterans have been screwed for years, don't know what percent of Veterans that didn't retire are screwed. Not enough qualify Drs., Hospitals or VA outpatients Clinics to care for all of the Veterans and we will have more due to the Iraq war. Some of the VA Drs. are those who have lost their license for medical malpractice, unable to pay the high cost of malpractice Insurance, (due to malpractice lawsuits by trial Lawyers),or cannot qualify due to a langue barrier and the one who retired from the medical field and takes a job with the VA, did I miss anyone? I am a little confuse as to just what we Veterans have coming, are you talking about disable Veterans, or all Veterans? When I first retired I had the opportunity to go to Collage, get a VA home loan, VA small business loan, help in getting a job, 5% for Veterans from the Post Office to go to work for them, free medical at any military base (that has change due to Tricare) now I'm on Tricare for life, over 65, free glasses, free medicine, a free physical every 6 months (due to my disability), even one of my sons with no disability who was in the USAF for 18 months can use the VA Hospital. What I am going to say next may hit another nerve, some a small % of our Veterans are drug addicts, (blamed on the Vietnam war), Alcoholics and just too damn lazy to work. What can you do to help? Go to www.va.gov Here you will find information that will help all Veterans. Location of National Cemeteries all 50 states plus Puerto Rico, Education, vocational rehabilitation, VA Home Loans, Etc.
    ivalis, You replied, Just a note to 4669, if the country doesn't owe you anything, send back the disability check. Bush could use it to balance his budget. My answer, Not on your life, I earned every cent that I am getting and will be getting. Cass, are you saying that the office of the president is merely a rubber stamp for congress? You are dreaming. In a way Cass is right (Congress makes the decision)(4669).
    greybeard get you butt out and VOTE, see have much it will mean in Nov. You said I feel that 4669 was a little tough on Big Eagle, it wasn't meant to be. He had his say, I had mine.
    kentmitchell, you said, It's a tradition in America to screw veterans. how long were you in the service? Do you get disability? How were you screwed?
    BigEagle6 You said, If you don't know who represents you? GO TO ANY POST OFFICE, THEY HAVE A LIST. YOU CAN ALSO FIND THEM ON THE WEB. THEY ARE SICK OF ME. HAHA. then you need to go to www.va.gov. Have you ever though of running for Office? Maybe you should, then we would have someone who would look after Veterans.

    Semper Fi to all

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