Any News of Frank G. Gross
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  1. #1

    Any News of Frank G. Gross

    I am trying to find any news about Frank G. Gross, D Co. I think 1st Marines, served with Howard "the Iceman" Mason of LA, James Ward of Hawaii. Frank wrote the "Ballads of Honor" music, included "Band of Brothers March", which was made into a CD, and later Frank and I made the DVD "Chosin Reservoir" by turning his music into videos. Last I spoke to Frank, he was living in a nursing home near the main gate Paris Island where he had been going on base speaking to the new recruits from time to time. Frank was both frost bitten and injured by a concussion grenade, and last I head was getting Alzheimers. His cell phone quit working some time ago. I'm concerned Frank may be gone, which is a huge part of Marine Corps history. Please, if anyone knows of him, please let me know, so I can also inform the others I am in contact with.

    Please Note, I am Air Force of the Vietnam Era, I have never face to face met Frank or the other "Chosin Few" I have had the pleasure of knowing. Frank is a good friend, and I'm concerned about him. Thank You.

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  2. #2
    Marine Free Member m14ed's Avatar
    Join Date
    Aug 2008
    Chaos, Massachusetts
    Good luck on your quest-
    gods speed to all.

    Semper Fi Frank -
    where ever you are

  3. #3
    I apologize for resurrecting such an old thread but feel as though I should given the concerns about this Marine's whereabouts and well-being. I had the pleasure and the honor of meeting Frank today. I am serving AD at a CG small boat forces station near his current location. He is an inspirational human being and Marine and I feel incredibly lucky to have met him. I found this thread by way of Google search as I tried to find out if any of his poetry or music could be found online. Out of respect for Frank's privacy I will not release his location. I would be willing to forward information or requests to his family/caretakers if it were a critical matter. Feel free to PM me and I'll help if I can.

  4. #4
    Good afternoon American Patriots. This is Frank Gross's Son-in-law. It is with a very heavy heart that I bring this news. We got the call at 4 am Jan. 2nd, 2021, that Frank G Gross Passed in his sleep. We are doing as well as expected. Thank you to all you who have served our great Nation. It was an Honor to know Frank for the many years I have spent with the Family. Arrangements are being made currently. Frank was in the VA Home in New Jersey. He was 90 when he passed.

  5. #5
    RIP Marine, Semper FI...

  6. #6
    God Bless........R.I.P.

  7. #7
    RIP and Semper Fi

  8. #8
    Marine Free Member gkmoz's Avatar
    Join Date
    May 2010
    Northeast ,Ohio
    R.I.P. Marine

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