What obstacles did you Marines/Poolees overcome to join?
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  1. #1

    What obstacles did you Marines/Poolees overcome to join?

    As the title states, what did you Marines/Poolees overcome to join the Marine Corps? I am asking this question out of curiosity as well as motivation.

    A little background story on me... I was home schooled my last two years of High School through a home school organization that is accredited through a private school association. And at that time I had almost no motivation at all to complete my education, even though I am basically one class away from completion. I started working full time and then got married and had a baby girl. So the finishing of my education took a back seat and now it has come back to bite me in the ass.

    I do have 9 college credit hours by taking the Ability To Benefit test at my local community college, thus allowing me to attend classes. But I am very fortunate in the fact that the place where I was attending while home schooled is letting me comeback to wrap up the last bit of schooling required to receive my diploma which is the only thing that is hindering me from enlisting. I am also very fortunate to have a recruiter who has been working with me the best he can right now and answering any questions that I have.

    I have been studying for the ASVAB during this time as well and have shed around 50 lbs because I am wanting this badly. So what did you Marines as well as any Poolees waiting to ship do to achieve your goals?

    Thank you in advance and sorry if this is posted in the wrong forum.

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  2. #2
    No obstacles really. After highschool I attended the local community college part-time but was washing dishes so couldn't afford to go fulltime. My highschool sweetheart broke up with me (turned out to be a good thing) so didn't really have a reason to hang around my hometown except for my family. Went downtown and talked to the USMC recruiter (no others) and the rest is history. No regrets; best decision I ever made in my life (have made some bad ones like getting out after my first enlistment...but, was able to come back in a year later with the same rank).

    Has your recruiter said anything about needing a dependents waiver (since you have two)? I assume your wife is going along with your decision. Does she understand what she's getting into (mainly talking about separations and low pay) and is she ready to handle it (alone when you are away)? Are you aware it's not unheard of for junior enlisted Marines with a couple dependents to be on food stamps? The reason for this is our major installations tend to be on the coasts (CA and NC) where the cost of living is higher than other areas. Not trying to talk you out of anything here; just asking.

  3. #3
    Thanks for the reply Marine. And to answer your first question the recruiter told me that with a wife + one it shouldn't be an issue. And yes, she is going along with the decision. It is something we have discussed at length and decided it is something that we want to do. I have two Marine buddies who got out a year and a half or so ago and one was married so my wife talking to his wife really helped out. And as far as the separations, we both know somewhat what we are getting into. We actually had a long distance relationship for a year before we were married. I know that doesn't prepare us 100%, but at least its a start. And as far as the food stamps are concerned that makes sense when you factor in the cost of living. I got online and checked out the BAH calculator and I punched in San Diego's area code as well as one in SC and they were around $1900 and $1200 for housing respectively if I remember correctly.

    At this point I am not gonna be talked out of it. I am working my ass off for this and unless we hit some unforeseen bump in the road we have made our decision. I really can't wait to enlist. And from what I have heard many Marines say here on this forum (which I have been browsing religiously), as well as my friends, receiving their EGA's was the best feeling they have ever experienced. Next to the birth of my daughter I imagine I will be saying the same thing.

    Anyone other Marines/Poolee's care to share?

  4. #4
    @Tennessee Top. I noticed in another post you mentioned your MOS when your first enlisted was 0151 admin clerk. And you also stated that you were an MSG which I'm assuming stands for Marine Security Guard. What was your experience like in that MOS? I am currently considering Intel as well as Logistics. Did your MOS in any way translate into another job outside the Corps? Just curious as I am still deciding what would be the best option for me. And I know a lot of that hinges on my ASVAB score, but I am confident that I will score high enough to get to pick my preferred MOS choices. Thanks.

  5. #5
    Quote Originally Posted by Erich08 View Post
    @Tennessee Top. I noticed in another post you mentioned your MOS when your first enlisted was 0151 admin clerk. And you also stated that you were an MSG which I'm assuming stands for Marine Security Guard. What was your experience like in that MOS? I am currently considering Intel as well as Logistics. Did your MOS in any way translate into another job outside the Corps? Just curious as I am still deciding what would be the best option for me. And I know a lot of that hinges on my ASVAB score, but I am confident that I will score high enough to get to pick my preferred MOS choices. Thanks.
    Yes, MSG is Marine Security Guard (embassy duty). MSG is a secondary MOS; it's also a "B" billet like DI and recruiter meaning working outside your primary MOS. You cannot be married on MSG duty until you pick up Staff Noncommissioned Officer (SSgt - MGySgt).

    As for my experience in the 01 field, see my post in the thread "01 Admin and Personnel Field Questions" by Wright93 dated 5-31-13 (unless that's the post you're already referring to).

    When I retired from the Corps, I decided to go into medicine. So, neither my USMC experience, nor my BS degree (aviation management) translated into that career (which I just retired from on May 31st).

    Of your two choices so far, Intel will get you a civilian/federal job a lot faster than logistics will. If you've been watching the national news this week (NSA leaks), you will have learned how much our Government intel agencies depend on civilian contractors (they basically can't do their jobs without them). The nerd who leaked secrets is a highschool dropout if you can believe that! And he got a job with the CIA!! That should tell you how much demand there is in intelligence. Having said that, intel is probably the most sought out MOS there is after infantry. Intel slots disappear FAST. It is not just a matter of having a high-enough ASVAB score (110 GT line score); if there are no intel slots available when your time comes to ship, your recruiter cannot simply fabricate one for you. If you've been reading this forum at all lately, you've seen a lot of frustrated poolees because none of the MOS's they're interested in are available. At that point, you have to take what is offered, or set your ship date back and hope something you want opens up at a later date (which may or may not happen). It's a numbers game. Never forget the golden rule when it comes to contracts. Contracts are written based on the needs of the USMC...NOT the needs of the poolee. The sooner you accept that fact of life the better off you'll be.

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