While I was at the library, the National Review magazine caught my eye.
With that subject;
Then & Now, Iraq and Vietnam.
The author of that article in the National Review brought out some interesting things to compare the two.
One being that we were in Vietnam for ten years or more and at it height, we were losing more per week than they are now losing in Iraq.
The war in Iraq, was declared over in months, while there was no end to Vietnam.
He also states that the war in Vietnam, was fought on two stages, one in Vietnam.
The other being the "Cold War".
The Vietnamese that we supported lost their war.
Those that supplied the NVA/VC lost control of the USSR.
The Chinese too lost a great deal of arms and money.
That the communists in Vietnam of today cannot repay.
The overthrow of Saddam has taken some money from the terrorists trying to attack us.
He also compares Vietnam of 1965 and 1970's election years.
2004 being an election year, some are using Iraq as a chip to hinge their efforts to get elected.
Some in Iraq are waging that we might get tired of seeing Americans killed.
If we were to leave some might take that as sign of weakness.
Making us candiates for more attacks.
For that reason alone, we MUST stay the course...

Semper Fidelis/Semper Fi

PS It might take another trip to the library to get the author name.
I search the data base on the National Review but it's not listed.
It's next month issue.