Top 10 Healthy Yet Cheap Organic Foods
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  1. #1

    Lightbulb Top 10 Healthy Yet Cheap Organic Foods

    Cheap organic foods? In the face of global economic struggle, the issue of personal finance is at the heart of the average consumer. But do you really have to shed an exorbitant amount of your money to purchase organic foods over conventional?

    The answer is no, and there is a surprisingly large amount of high quality organic foods that are quite cheap — even when considering low income families. Even families on foodstamps have been able to live entirely on an organic diet on the foodstamp income alone.

    There’s even a documentary about it called Foodstamped, which is hosted free online. The couple in the film eats a 100% organic diet on as little as $40 a week. There are keys to keeping costs down such as buying from farmers markets when possible and always buying whole food options as opposed to pre-made or processed meals, but I am going to give you a list of 10 key items that are really quite cheap.

    In fact, they purchased many of them in the film to keep their costs down. When you get the opportunity, you can even store up on some of these items in bulk and cut costs even further — not to mention that many of these foods are capable of acting as long-term storeable foods.

    Here are the top 10 healthy yet organic real food items that won’t break your budget:

    1. Brown Rice

    Brown rice has a lengthy shelf life when stored properly in a sealed container, and can make for a full meal simply by eating it alone or adding in some of the vegetables in this list. Organic brown rice when purchased in bulk, or at least not from pre-packaged bags, can be extremely cheap while able to be incorporated into many meals.

    2. Assorted Seeds

    Highly nutritious and beneficial food items like organic flax or organic sunflower seeds are available for a very low price — especially when you bag them yourself. Flax has a great deal of healthy fats and other nutrients, and can compliment a diet lacking in real nutrition while being easy on the pocketbook.

    3. Eggs

    Certified organic eggs are extremely cheap when you consider how many meals a regular carton of 12 eggs can provide. This is amplified even further when it is locally harvested. At Whole Foods you can find local eggs on sale for around $2 a dozen or even less. If that’s too much, then go straight to the source and buy in bulk. When considering that around 2-3 eggs can make a meal, an entire carton can provide a lot of quality nutrition for a very low price. It also doesn’t hurt that eggs are known as powerful superfoods.

    4. Carrots

    Chop them up and include them with the brown rice, or juice them for a great morning drink. Carrots can be purchased in bulk size for less than $4 and will last quite a long time.

    5. Apples

    Great for flavoring up juices or combining with peanut butter (see next down the list), apples are a tasty fruit that literally do keep the doctor away. Plus, they also happen to be really inexpensive.

    6. Peanut Butter

    High quality organic peanut butter can help keep your taste buds happy while shopping organic on a budget. It can also be combined with other food items like seeds or apples to alter the snack altogether, and is often a favorite among children.

    7. Nuts

    Nutritionally dense and great to snack on as a meal or inbetween one, nuts like almonds and cashews can be found for close to nothing when packaged yourself or purchased in bulk quantities. Another food item that stores for a very long time.

    8. Olive Oil

    Long hailed as a key remedy to multiple conditions and used in cleansing activities like oil pulling, you can find organic, extra virgin cold pressed olive oil for less than $5. You may be surprised how much you can get, too. Don’t look for fancy brands, but try your best to ensure that it contains the wording ‘cold pressed’, ‘extra virgin’, and of course USDA certified organic.

    9. Grass-Fed Meats

    The best bet with grass-fed meats, if you choose to eat meat, is to purchase from a farm directly. You can find meats like bison and buffalo for a low price when dealing with the source. These meats are particularly of high quality as buffalo and bison are not administered the same degree of medical intervention as cows and chickens. In fact, federal law protects buffalo meat from a great deal of antibiotic use and even hormonal injection.

    10. Onions

    Onions are known to pack a nutritional punch that rivals many superfoods within the fruit and vegetable family. They are also excellent flavor boosters and can be added to your brown rice vegetable mix, topped off with some olive oil, and make for an absolutely delicious meal that is both free of harmful ingredients and nourishing to the body.

    It doesn’t have to drain your bank account to avoid toxic additives like high-fructose corn syrup, MSG, aspartame, genetically modified ingredients, and so on. Instead, checkout these top 10 cheap organic food items, shop in season, and find local farms and farmers markets to go straight to the source. Also, please share this article with anyone who thinks that organic simply cannot work for them as it is too expensive. For less than 20 dollars you can purchase a considerable amount of organic food items that are both delicious and contaminant-free.

    This article first appeared at Natural Society, an excellent resource for health news and vaccine information.

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  2. #2
    Number 6, 7 and 8 are hardly cheap.

  3. #3

  4. #4
    Marine Free Member DWG's Avatar
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    Apr 2006
    Gone into the green grocer business dawgg?

    BTW; why did you change the spelling of your name
    (is the IRS after you? again?)

  5. #5
    Quote Originally Posted by DWG View Post
    Gone into the green grocer business dawgg?

    BTW; why did you change the spelling of your name
    (is the IRS after you? again?)

    LOL. There is a technical glitch with the old name

  6. #6
    Marine Free Member DWG's Avatar
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    Apr 2006
    Though maybe it was a "Goodfellas" type thing! LOL!

  7. #7
    good stuff , But I've priced organic at our store and it's about $.50 to a $1.00 higher than regular produce so your not saving money and with organic eggs out here there $1.25 higher than regular eggs I'll just watch what I eat and try to save my money.
    Appreciate your post..

  8. #8
    I can tell you how I save money and that's no bull since I'm on a fixed income.
    First every store I go to has a mark down area for some stores it's in the back of the store. Lots of times they will place day old pies and cakes and even bread back there at way reduce prices usually over half off. Second go to your meat section and look for managers marked down meats they are marked down sometime 50% on some meats like steak ,pork ,chicken and so on.
    If I find several steaks that are marked down I will go to the Manager and ask him if he could mark these down any more and if he does I'll take all of them.. I do this every time I go shopping and I come home with deals upon deals.
    About a month back I went and seen several packages of porterhouse steaks and ask the manager if he could mark them all down some more and I would take them all. He did and I bought them all he marked them down from $12.59 to $14.33 down to $5.62 a package. I got all of them and have been eating steak when ever i want.
    some stores like mine run a 10 for $10 special on lots of store products and like meats I stock up on them like frozen veggies I load up on them P.S. It pays to have a deep freezer also..
    Look through your stores even at your super store like Wal-Mart , Safeway or any of the food chain stores. there are deals to be had..
    And use COUPONS

  9. #9
    Marine Free Member DWG's Avatar
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    Apr 2006
    Quote Originally Posted by Marine1955 View Post
    every store I go to has a mark down area for some stores it's in the back of the store.

    Wild Bill; those are the garbage bins!

    You are being scammed; just chase the cats away and it's FREE!

  10. #10
    Quote Originally Posted by DWG View Post
    Wild Bill; those are the garbage bins!

    You are being scammed; just chase the cats away and it's FREE!

    No I really do get great deals by looking at mark down meats you see I work with cattle for over 27 years and the stores now have to cut there meats and then they only have so many days before they start marking them down to get rid of them.
    If you can buy meat that's marked down then you get it and keep it in your fridge for about a week then wrap it and freeze it until your ready to eat it. Go to a butcher shop or really fine steak house and ask them how long do they let the meat age before they process it to sell or eat between 3 to 4 weeks for most really good cuts of meats..with the government and all there rules with super markets they have to get fresh meat and cut it without aging it so that's why I get it and buy the chit out of it..
    Also our store are required to give it to the homeless shelter our destroy it..can't just give it to people like me all though I did try that..

  11. #11
    If you think that you are saving money by not eating organic you are being misled. Organic keeps you healthier than genetically modified foods. So the price is higher up front, but you save when you do not buy pharma drugs to get well again.

    You spend less time being sick eating organic foods.

  12. #12
    Eating sensibly takes precedence than going totally organic. "Organic" food is just as susceptible to diseases, poor management and mislabeling. This is not to cast a damning light on organics but simply to say, "Always watch what you eat." There are some very high profile establishments you think market safe products but have (unintentionally) violated food codes. Good idea to wash your pre-washed salads. Good luck.


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