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  1. #31
    I had a feeling this was regarding JW. A quick story...back in the late 80's, I was visited by a door-knocking JW and deciding to entertain him (or be entertained). In the course of the meeting he told me JW's don't believe in war, don't serve in the military etc. Later when he was leaving, I happened to ask where he worked. His answer? Rocky Flats. If you're not familiar with Rocky Flats, up until 1992 it was a government facility the manufactured the plutonium triggers for nuclear warheads. I guess being antiwar and anti-military is ok unless it means a good government job with benefits and retirement. Lol, go figure!

    As for next of kin, just put down your mom or your dad for the records, it's not like someone is going to call them to confirm they really are the next of kin, they'll never know you did that unless something did happen.

    There's no right or wrong answer and this is a decision you're going to have to come to on your own, but I'll give you my take on this.

    I do know that joining the Corps (or the military in general) has created similar friction within a family and loved ones. But you're an adult and you are allowed to make your own choices and decisions and carry your own life forward. If they see their beliefs about the military as being more important than you as a person and they decide to disown you, that is their choice. They have the choice to accept you for who you are, or not.

    I'm thinking too that if you give in now, they could end up doing the same thing threatening you with every decision you make from this point forward....who to marry, where to live, what friends you can and cannot have, etc. I'm not saying that you should intentionally do something for the sake of creating this friction, but on the other hand this really is your life now. Something tells me though, if they really do love you after you've made up your mind and have been serving, I think they'll come around.

    You said "I know that this would be a huge sacrifice to join the marines, but I feel like I will only be myself, and do what i was born to do by enlisting". If that is true, then IMO, do it. You don't want to look back 40 or 50 years from now and regret a decision because you did what someone else wanted you to do. It's also possible you'll join the Corps and hate every second of it, but it least it's your own life and decision. I would suggest really doing some homework and hearing from other Marines, past and current, as to what life is like in the Corps. While there is honor and integrity in being a Marine, day to day life can go against reason and wear on some. Expressions like 'there's the right way and the Marine Corps way', 'woke up at oh-dark-thirty' and 'hurry up and wait', and 'fck-fck games', and other expressions give a little glimpse of what life can be like in Corps. For example when going on on operation they'll get you up at 0300 to be ready in full gear for chow by 0330 so you can fall in with your company at 0400 and then sit on your ass in the hot sun until 1500 hours when the trucks finally arrive to pick up your unit. So you really want to make sure this is something you want to do and that it really will be worth the sacrifice.

    As for the recruiter, be open and honest about what is happening with your family and friends. The recruiter does not have to come to your home.

    Good luck!

  2. #32
    Guest Free Member
    Quote Originally Posted by DWG View Post
    Wasn't there some famous Marine that was a Quaker or a Shaker or something like that; some super anti-war sect?

    Oh yeah, SMEDLEY BUTLER!!!

    He seemed to overcome the shame of his family.
    And what about the pacifist who claimed a draft exemption as a conscientious objector, then killed 29 Germans, including 6 with a sidearm, and took 132 prisoners. Sgt York.

  3. #33
    Marine Free Member DWG's Avatar
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    Apr 2006
    Quote Originally Posted by marine1011 View Post
    And what about the pacifist who claimed a draft exemption as a conscientious objector, then killed 29 Germans, including 6 with a sidearm, and took 132 prisoners. Sgt York.
    Fundamentalist (hillbilly) Baptist and a soldier;; really kind of apples and oranges! LOL!

    Them hillbilly Baptists apt to go postal at any given time! (I be married to one, I know)

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