Reserve Deployment and Civilian Job
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  1. #1

    Reserve Deployment and Civilian Job

    If your reserve unit gets mobilized I know by law your civilian employer is required to keep your job for you when you return. Does anyone know if they are still bound by these laws if you volunteer to deploy as an augmentee? Is there anyway the would know/care if you willingly volunteered vice you were cut orders and have no choice? Thanks!

  2. #2
    Your orders should say involuntarily deployed, regardless of how you do it. They have for my last five deployments. And civilian employees can fire you for 'non-related' incidents after you deploy, or while you deploy. They legally can't, but there are workarounds for that.

  3. #3
    Quote Originally Posted by iamspartacus View Post
    If your reserve unit gets mobilized I know by law your civilian employer is required to keep your job for you when you return. Does anyone know if they are still bound by these laws if you volunteer to deploy as an augmentee? Is there anyway the would know/care if you willingly volunteered vice you were cut orders and have no choice? Thanks!
    You have nothing to worry about. Aren't you aware that the current administration is doing everything they can for our servicemen?

  4. #4

    That gives you all the info about the USERRA program if you haven't all ready read up on it.

  5. #5
    Quote Originally Posted by Artemis View Post

    That gives you all the info about the USERRA program if you haven't all ready read up on it.
    Thanks! I've always heard about these laws, but never actually knew what it was called.

  6. #6
    If your company does right by you, you can submit a letter of appreciation about/for them through that program so they can get recognition. Regardless of the law, its best to have a good relationship with the company you are leaving for your deployment. Writing them up for acknowledgement makes them look good ( I belive those LOA's get published somewhere), and helps with a good post-deployment relationship and your return to the workplace. Unless its changed, employers only have to provide a job with similar, or equitable, pay and responsiblities, not necesarily your actual old job back....

  7. #7
    You are welcome and I hope everything works out well for you.

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