making the best of the Open Contract
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  1. #1

    making the best of the Open Contract

    I see so many places where the 'open contract' is regarded as the worst thing a DEP-Poolee can do. I had a 68 on my ASVAB and turned in my 3 MOS choices - none were available. So I am waiting but "assured" that I will probably get my first choice of intelligence. So I am trusting my recruiter. My questions here: What really happens if nothing opens up? What can I do? and What should I do? I have read lots of posts with conflicting details. What is the truth?

    BTW - I will still serve and do so proudly regardless. Joining the Marines is not just a career choice but so much more.

  2. #2
    If you dont get your choices. Tough stuff, its the Corps. I wanted avionics in the wing. Instead am an RO in a grunt battalion. There are opportunities everywhere. Honestly its the waiting game for now. There are tables on which RS's have what jobs to fill at what time. So I was told back when I was a poolee. You just have to keep asking or possibly look at the fields that are open. Just depends on your ship date, the new fiscal year opens up many jobs

  3. #3
    Do NOT f*ck around poolee. Find a contract that you are qualified for and refuse to ship until you get it. Your one chance to control your future is right now. If you want to be an intel goon, good for you. As long as you meet the requirements there should be ZERO reason to accept anything else from your recruiter. He may think he works for the Marine Corps, but he's supposed to work for YOU. Inform him that you will stay in the DEP as long as it takes to get the job you want, and if he's going to refuse it to you, leave and find another branch of service. Being a Marine is great, but the last thing we need is some kid who got screwed over in a job that he didn't want, because his attitude is going to screw everyone else over.

  4. #4
    I did some more research this morning and found some forums where some great advice was given. I apologize for starting a new thread without spending more time in research. The trouble is the large variety of answers and the validity of sources. Oddly enough, most of the mis-information/hostility is from non-Marines, go figure.

    What did I find? 1. Talk openly and honestly to your recruiter, they are not all out to get you. 2. Do your best to get a specific contract before boot camp. (Better to have some choice than to spin the wheel!) 3. If you do end up open at MCRD it does not mean that you will get a crap MOS. It is in the best interest of the Marines to place you where you will be the most successful based on all of your skills and abilities as well as what is needed at the time.

    This is some what I found on this site and I have a meeting set up with my recruiter to hash out a plan.

  5. #5
    I was open contract, it worked out. Life/Corps is what you make it.

    Think about this.....

    "It's a funny thing, but, as years go by, I think you appreciate more and more what a great thing it was to be a United States Marine... People will tell me what a shame it was I had to go back into the service a second time, but I'm kinda glad I did.. Besides, I am a U.S. Marine and I'll be one till I die." - Ted Williams

  6. #6
    There was a time when all contracts were open contracts, and the Marine Corps survived just fine when it was that way.

  7. #7
    Thanks to the Marines who have replied. I want to be a Marine so the specific job is secondary. I will make the most of what I end up with. It doesn't serve me or any one else to complain anyway. My current plan is to end up as an officer, that is why I wanted intell. Some people have the career path of Marines then based on your military service to move into a civilian job, which changes how you approach the Corp. My plan may change once I get in but for now I am okay with the way things are sitting. Respectfully Jacob.

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