How do we get our government back?
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  1. #1

    How do we get our government back?

    After seeing all of this turmoil in the mideast it has gotten me thinking about this. When did our government get away from us? These people were upset with the way the government was treating the citizens so they did something about it. With things like Senators suing Congress for dental bills in amounts of $150k ( that we end up paying for, and just the fact that they dont live by the laws they pass, how did we let this happen? Most of the House of Representatives are already millionaires and could care less about a government shutdown, how do we just sit by and let them decide? What do we need to do in order for them to know that they as elected officials have gone too far? There needs to be a change and us tax paying citizens need a way to let them know we have had enough.

  2. #2
    Marine Free Member m14ed's Avatar
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    You, as an American Citizen are given the right to vote.
    Use your vote wisely.

  3. #3
    I have already done that, I mean how do we reel these politicians back in and bring them back down to our level? They are supposed to represent us after all, however they are held to different standards.

  4. #4
    Humm, that's sort of the same question that folks in Egypt, Libya, Syria, Bahrain & Yemen are asking. God forbid that we should have to take such extreme measures to 'take back our government'. Let's hope that our lawmakers and leaders are taking lessons from what's going on.

  5. #5
    Quote Originally Posted by devilbones2 View Post
    I have already done that, I mean how do we reel these politicians back in and bring them back down to our level? They are supposed to represent us after all, however they are held to different standards.
    By paying heed to m14ed"s SECOND part of his "advice."

    Seems that too many think that "wisely" and "whimsically" are interchangeable and equal.

  6. #6
    Quote Originally Posted by Dave2571 View Post
    Original post is a gross exaggeration, no disrespect intended. Nothing in this life is purerly black and white, although we paint everything in just those two colors. America is either great or it's falliing apart at the seams. There's liberty or there is slavery. Real life doesn't work like that. It's not as if every single congressman is against the American people and seeks to enslave them.
    This black and white viewpoint is responsible for many an ill, itself, in our society.
    So basically you are fine with the way things are and still think that our Congressmen and Senators represent the public as a whole? I am a tax paying, voting American and I believe that they believe they think they are above the people that they represent. I am not sure if you know this but the reason there are certain criteria to hold these positions is because they want you to be like you and me. It really has gotten away from us, but we just sit here and take it and wait two or four years and think it will get better but really its just another group of people that are interested in their 'groups' which normally are corporations or self interest groups with money to voice their ideas. The question I posed is a logical one. When we didnt like the way we were taxed, we revolted. Now we are in a situation where our tax dollars do nothing for us, so what do we do?

  7. #7
    Quote Originally Posted by R Landry View Post
    Humm, that's sort of the same question that folks in Egypt, Libya, Syria, Bahrain & Yemen are asking. God forbid that we should have to take such extreme measures to 'take back our government'. Let's hope that our lawmakers and leaders are taking lessons from what's going on.
    Very doubtful.

  8. #8
    Maybe the concept of a blue flu day, all us hard working stiffs call in sick one or 2 days, shut this nation down for a couple days, send a message and remind them who is the backbone of the nation. Who's taxes pay there wages. No matter if you are a republican or Democrat, we are all getting the screws and not even the common of a reach around. Just what ya got to lose?? But we ain't even got a pair to do that.. we are the sheep that follow the words of the mighty media. The media say's this is bad, so we buy the bad, they tell us this is good, we buy the good... like duhh

  9. #9
    Term limits, but I don't know how you achieve that. Two terms max and you're out !!! New blood all the time and wouldn't allow the lobbyists to get their hooks in anyone.

  10. #10
    How do we take out country back?

    Some one point out to me what the Tea Party congress members have done to hurt this country?

  11. #11
    Both sides are threatened by the Tea Party and that's why they want to make them out to be a bunch of nut cases.

  12. #12
    Marine Friend Free Member USNAviator's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by devilbones2 View Post
    I have already done that, I mean how do we reel these politicians back in and bring them back down to our level? They are supposed to represent us after all, however they are held to different standards.

    You can't!!!

    Without terms limits they will be there forever. Think Ted Kennedy and Burch Bayh. Did you ever hold a job where you and your fellows employees got together and voted yourselves pay raises? Me neither yet it happens in Congress.

    It's novel to think the Tea Party will change things but lets see what happens to Scott Brown from MA, the poster boy for the Tea Baggers. I'm pretty sure he'll run for re-election and be no different than those he replaced, namely Ted Kennedy. He'll stay as long as he can

    Let's face it, when less than 45% of our population get off their ass and bother to vote, well look what we have to show for it!!

  13. #13
    Corpsman Free Member
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    ......Normally, I'd pass this kind of "extremist" bullsh*t by, usual.....IGNORANCE IS BLISS!!!!
    Just WHO voted all those assh*les into office??......DUH!!!
    HATE the POTUS?...HATE the STIMULUS crap??....HATE our THREE WARS?????.....
    You UN-educated, IN-experienced, EASILY LED, EASILY FOOLED, dumb bastards.......GUESS WHAT?????
    "It's time to pay the PIPER!!!"
    ..HA! HA! HA! HA! HA! HA!..

  14. #14
    I dont really think it matters what "party" any more.
    Everyone (Politicians)have to compromise and, wheel and deal to get ANYTHING done, and in the end, we have huge resolutions or spending packages full of porkbarrel projects, earmarks for business, stipulations, hidden agendas, etc...trying to satisfy everyone that, the initial "good" well meaning idea, is so convoluted and changed, its almost unrecognizeable, unreadable, misunderstood and requires the Supreme Court to decipher it..., or a mere shadow of its former intent, or 10 times more expensive than planned,..Its not rocket science, to foresee that....
    The whole democratic system, is broken and corrupt, eventually is going to end. Its just a matter of when. When will the people paying for government get tired of it and say..That is IT !!! enough is finally enough.
    Enough of the corruption, enough of the waste, enough of tax and spend, enough of raising the budget limit, enough of this complete hypocritical bullcr*p! enough of the Backroom closed door deals, enough of the good old boy favor for favor deals, enough of raising fees etc...and licenses every year..I could fill a page with everything I am sick and tired of...
    Dont get Me wrong..I dont mind paying some taxes...seeing some wasteful spending, etc...but come ON Now....all these problems with the economy and joblessness, the budgets, the absolute dumb ass crap the POTUS does, Iraq and Afghanistan, NOW Libya, crooked Politicians...inflation, medical insurance plans..and on and on and ON
    Its more like...What we would call a "Free for All" or "Everyone for Himself" Or "Do whatever You long as You DO something" even IF its really really wrong...its OK !!!That seems to be the "New Deal Dumb ass promised!
    Anyhow...Till Our Politicians have some sort of..."epiphany en masse"....and pull their heads out of their asses...nothing will change!
    Well..maybe nothing, except that all the working stiffs, will get disgusted and revolt and demand change..But...before that happens, we will have gun doubt....THEN..I wonder, how we will feel when China starts flying over America, to keep OUR military from shooting protesters?
    And WHY would that be ANY different than what Obooma is doing in Libya ?
    I just hope and PRAY, ALL of Our separate branches of Military, takes The swearing in Oath seriously then.
    To support the Constitution and The People and NOT neccessarily, the government in charge. I think thats the way, its supposed to work....I am sure someone will correct me, if I am mistaken. But thats another subject entirely too. Very Interesting!

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