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  1. #46
    Marine Free Member HST's Avatar
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    I respect everyones opinion on a subject like this. I read a book years ago in 68 when I was with 2/27 at Pendleton. I still have it and probably owe a ton on money for failing to return it. It's The Rise and Fall of the Third Reich. It's about hate and the slippery slope into the things that essentially good moral people did when they let hate dominate them. I re-read it now and then. It helps me put things in perspective.

    I know the Constitution is old and some say its outlived its usefullness but a lot of its principals are based on a book that is far older and still very valid.

  2. #47
    Quote Originally Posted by civgrunt05 View Post
    I've got to be honest here and ask that we throw out the "standard answer" for a minute.
    How many dead men of ANY American war died for the principle of protecting the rights of people who hated them? Maybe I should be kicked out for this opinion, but I'm willing to bet 97% of enlisted men agree with me. I don't think too many Marines would lay their lives down for the rights of people who spit on them, demand recruiters leave their town, or mock the dead at military funerals. If it were up to me, I'd throw the WBC people to the Al-Qaeda and let them cut off their heads on Al-Jazera.

    Of all the Marines I have ever known..... I'm talking every Marine that I can ever remember interacting with, I can think of THREE that I believe as a matter of principle would make the conscience decision to put their lives in immenent danger for the sole purpose of defending the "rights" of people like those of the WBC.

    I serve because I think Islamo-facism is more of a threat to us than the Soviet communist empire ever was. When I say a threat to "us" I mean the people like me who believe that no one should tell you how to/you must worship, who believe in a free market system, and who embrace the idea of education and enlightenment. I in no way serve because I have some warm and fuzzy about a 220+ year old document that, despite being among the best documents ever written, is NOT devinely inspired, is often times dangerously vague, and is open to the interpretation of 9 bureaucratically appointed for life individuals who have spent most of their lives sitting on a bench experiencing "law" in a vacuum, some of whom were appointed not for their qualifications but because some president felt their race created a more diverse court.
    Great post! And from a younger generation Marine. It's great to know that principles, honor, morals, and integrity are still instilled in Marines as they were back 35 years ago when I was young and motivated. I know there are exceptions, but the majority of Marines out there, young or old, would agree with you.

  3. #48
    Marine Free Member ChuckH's Avatar
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    Being a former Marine and former Assistant State Captain of the CT PGR... this is wrong on so many levels....
    Makes my blood boil.....there are some great posts on here... some of you Marines have put what I am feeling in words I couldnt find...Good Job!!!

  4. #49
    Quote Originally Posted by Mongoose View Post
    Tony my brother, I can see your point of view. And respect it . However, the men and women that died. Died fighting a foreign enemy of the U.S. I can assure you, in thier last moments, thier thoughts were of staying alive and protecting thier brother Marines. I seriously doubt you would find any Marine giving thier life so that those people could continue thier campaign of pure evil. Its like the pork the government throws in bills they pass. Had the issues of today been in existence when I was in the Corps. And someone asked me would I give my life to protect gay rights, or the right to abort babies, or to take Gods name out of everthing. I would have to say not no, but hell no. We have never won a battle slapping the enemies wrist. And make no mistake these people are the enemy. At the very least criminals. I myself consider it a disrespect, to those who died. They surly didnt die so some azzhole could pizz on thier grave. I will gladly die upholding the constitution, as it was meant to be. Not what our dont give a shet lawmakers deem it to mean. I have enough common sense to know our for fathers didnt have this in mind when they wrote the constitution. Just my thoughts.
    Damn Billy, you send shivers through me when you talk that patriot talk. I'll stand tall by your side. And civgrunt05, well said. HST - get over here bro.

    During my time we were trained for one thing, to kill communists any way it took. We didn't look pretty, talk pretty, smell pretty, but there was not a finer bunch of commy killers than those of us in the USMC.

    We were trained to make contact, not to run and whine like many in this country do today. Each of us selected our targets and eliminated them and then we moved on for more. Commy / Islamic, what's the difference if they endanger my country.

    I joined the MC initially to fight for my country, to uphold the constitution - but ended up fighting to keep myself alive as well as my brother Marines around me. I never swore an allegiance to a president, a senator or a congressman.

    MY QUESTION: If the oath I took was to uphold the constitution with my very life, and I now see many of those in political power threatening it's very existence, do you kind of get a drift on my dilemma, especially if my oath is still valid?

    The biggest difference is that today we may not have to travel to a far off foreign land to find our enemies, they seem to be everywhere.

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