Conversation Between usmcthetop and avenger08

Conversation Between usmcthetop and avenger08

4 Visitor Messages

  1. Good Morning MSgt, how is everything back in Cadiz going?
  2. im not sure msgt, i know that i am planning on re-enlisting because this is all i really know. plus with the way the economy is going i want to be in something steady. and im starting a family soon msgt so i am wanting to be able to be in somewhere central and have a job i know that can help me provide for my family. i am currently on okinawa as well, im in kadena with my squadron we are deployed on the 31st meu.
  3. good to go. Yeah, I grew up in the major metropolis know as Cadiz. I should still have some relatives in paducah as well. I am on Okinawa now but will be moving back to Cadiz in less than two weeks. How long are you planning to stay active?
  4. msgt, your from cadiz kentucky? im from Paducah Kentucky.
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 4 of 4