Conversation Between candi and 6yrforMar

Conversation Between candi and 6yrforMar

4 Visitor Messages

  1. I was a 3521, and no, I did not go to the sandbox...everytime I volunteered to go some where I got rejected because my ex-hubby was in the same shop and they would send him master sgt actually told me I had to stay behind to take care of my daughter and was sending the hubby instead. I didn't even get to go to CAX because of that guy..they always sent the hubby. Ah, well...
    Take care!
  2. I was 3516 in the Corps.I worked in my Civvie job 33years Heavy duty veh.Maint.Tech.,Repaired Police and Fire Vehicles for "The City Of Phila." Thanks to the USMC for my training in 3516 mos.
  3. What was or is your mos,Did you go to the sandbox? I was in Motor T,3516 & 3531.I would be honored to have you as a friend.
  4. Semper Fi Marine
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