Conversation Between jinelson and DOC WEB

Conversation Between jinelson and DOC WEB

4 Visitor Messages

  1. ya i know cpl parrish in 1/7, a high school buddy of mine is with 1/7 baker company. I went to one of their pre-deployment parties in base housing before they left last fall. He is a cool guy, and from what I hear a good marine.

  2. I know Cpl Victor Parrish in Baker 1/7 and I also met another Parrish in 1/7 but don't remember what company he is with.

  3. hay there jinelson, how do you know Pfc Parrish?

    is he with 1/7 now, cuz im dam sure i met him if he is.
  4. God Bless you Doc, now keep my Marines coming home.

    Semper Fi
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 4 of 4