Conversation Between Osotogary and davblay

Conversation Between Osotogary and davblay

3 Visitor Messages

  1. Gary, I appreciate your concern, but I have accepted the enevitable and am waiting for the outcome. It may be years from now, but I have seen that it is gonna get worse before it gets better old friend. I just have my down days and have self doubt about my worth on this site, I love all you guys, you are my family.

  2. Dave,
    It's good to see you up and about. After your last series of posts I was hoping for the best (still am...that will never change) but there was an area of uncertainty...if you know what I mean. Man, oh, man, it's really good to see you up and about. Take care.
  3. Dave,
    Your birthday well wishes helped make my day very special.
    Take care of yourself and pass on my best to one and all.
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 3 of 3