Conversation Between TKOTapout and NinjaMerdman

Conversation Between TKOTapout and NinjaMerdman

7 Visitor Messages

  1. Well ****, man! Sounds like you've been spending that time in the DEP wisely.
  2. i did 18 pullups, 5 that didn't count however plus it was on those crappy red bars lol. 100 crunches easy and sub 10 min 1.5
  3. What's your Pre-Ship IST lookin' like?
  4. i'm more then ready man, been in the dep for almost a year now
  5. Hell yeah man! I'm PUMPED! Been waitin for a long time. You good to go?
  6. Hey man, you ready?
  7. Hey man! Just saw that you've got the same ship date. Though I'd drop a line!
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 7 of 7