Conversation Between katievacanti and Capital M

Conversation Between katievacanti and Capital M

5 Visitor Messages

  1. Ahh yeah I see what you mean. Sorry, you did not specify, so I was not sure what exactly you were speaking of.

    And thats interesting. Fear? pfftttt. aha

  2. I'm talking about real ones. That hung around the neck of a Marine.

    And when I respond to people asking why join, generally, they either understand, or shut up and not have a comment. Fear maybe? lol just kidding
  3. So like, you can't get any, anywhere? They can usually be found on military websites. That's about as far as I can think of where to find some.

    Yeah we have an urge alright. I love a lot of the motivation I receive from select individuals. Otherwise, sometimes people are downright nasty man. Do you get that at all?

    I just keep moving forward though, no sense in getting worked up over someone else's opinion, when I have my own.

  4. Hey thanks!

    Seems like we have that same urge. Just wish I had some dogtags to provide the extra moto
  5. Hello Cfinch189,

    Nice signature, makes sense.

    ~Katie "US Marine WANNABE"
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