Moving to Okinawa, Japan
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  1. #1
    Marine Spouse Free Member
    Join Date
    May 2012
    Battle Ground

    Moving to Okinawa, Japan

    Hello all!!! I am moving to OKinawa, Japan within the month and I am trying to find the most affordable and dependable way to ship all of my possesions over seas. I don't have that much stuff but all the freight shipping sites are expensive! Do I have other options?!

  2. #2
    Your husband has unaccompanied orders (Government will not move you)?

    If that's the case I don't see you have any other options but to use the freight shipping services. Japan is on the other side of the Pacific ocean so you cannot expect it to be cheap.

  3. #3
    Guarantee mamasan will take care of him until you get there.. Your better off waiting for a company tour and then it want cost you an arm and a leg to speak of...
    Buy me Drinky I love you long time

  4. #4
    let's not go there with mamasan LOL, I'm sure he will be able to care for himself. I did both time I was there and the wife stayed statside for those years. It's just part of life the CORPS....

  5. #5
    Mamasan takes care of me

  6. #6
    Or, like in my case, Jody will take care of the wife back in the states (and I remained faithful to our marriage despite mamasan). In either case, it's an occupational hazard all military marriages negotiate; many survive and many don't.

  7. #7
    Well TOP T. I 'm one of the lucky ones, as of this MAY 31. We will be together 31 years and this with ME being in 22 years in service.She was there even before bootcamp!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  8. #8
    if you stay stateside try taking some classes,or maybe get a job something to keep you busy . that's what mine did along with our rugrats.

  9. #9
    Marine Free Member m14ed's Avatar
    Join Date
    Aug 2008
    Chaos, Massachusetts
    Quote Originally Posted by trucaligrl5687 View Post
    #1. I am moving to OKinawa, Japan
    #2. I am trying to find the most affordable and dependable way to ship all of my possesions
    #3. I don't have that much stuff
    #4. all the freight shipping sites are expensive!

    #5. Do I have other options?!
    Question for #1. Is that bragging or complaining ?
    Statement to #2. Smart shopper ! you can use that training (may/will come in
    handy later in life)
    Possible answer to #3. Sell it , _Store it, _leave it with someone you trust.
    Statement to #4. Yes they are

    The answer to #5 is YES

    Good Luck
    many times life causes you to make some tough decisions .

  10. #10
    Oh yay! I was stationed over there for a while. It has it's moments. Some days you hate it some days you don't. My advice would be if he doesn't have accompanied orders to get them and see if they will allow you to use TMO (now its DMO). If he has unaccompanied I would wait until he gets accompanied. The cost of living out there is crazy and you need as much BAH, Comrats, and Cola as possible. If you're dead set on just moving over there without waiting, then I would look for the Okinawa wives support site. They have a website made just to cater to the wives since you're an even smaller group over there. I wasn't a Marine wife until I got to 29 palms so I dont know the website but I'm sure if you can find it, they have creative ways to help.

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