Female Poolee Requesting Acvice from Enlisted Female Marines
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  1. #1

    Female Poolee Requesting Acvice from Enlisted Female Marines

    Hello all,
    This may seem trivial to some but I was wondering if I could get the advice on hair in boot. Currently my hair is about shoulder length and I was planning on keeping it about this length so that it would be easier to put in a bun during boot. However, a few months back I had the brilliant idea to dye my blonde hair hot pink. Now after bleaching it and dying it multiple times, the pink is not coming out nor am I able to cover it up unless I dye it a dark brown. I know I cannot go to boot with pink hair and I've decided I might have to cut my hair into a very short pixiie style (I think thats what its called). My question is, would it be easier for me while I'm at boot if I leave my hair long, or would it be worth it to chop it off? To clarify, this isn't about looking cute in boot because I couldn't care less how I look. I just need advice on what would work better.

    I hope you ladies can give me some good pointers on what I should do.

    Poolee Marsh

  2. #2
    Guest Free Member
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    Providence County
    I'm not a Women but you could go GI Jane style and shave it all off and then start all over again with your natural color.

    That would take care of both your questions and problems.

    Good luck to you...

  3. #3
    First of all, knowing that you'd be going to boot camp in a few months, you NEVER should have dyed your hair hot pink. And don't keep bleaching your hair, you're probably making it worse.
    In my opinion, I would get a very short haircut to get most of that hot pink cut out.

    >Ch 5 (a) Hair Length (see Figure 1-3). MARADMIN 504/07

    7. Hair Color. If applied, dyes, tints, bleaches and frostings, which result in natural colors, are authorized. The hair color must complement the person's complexion tone.
    Color changes that detract from a professional image are prohibited. MARADMIN 504/07


  4. #4
    Well luckily it was only onn the underside of my head so i dont need to shave it all off. But it will be very short if I do cut it.

    You'd be surprised how many guys have told me tojust shave my head haha

  5. #5
    Softballcatch23- I know it was stupid. But thanks for your input! Im still hoping theres a female out there who had short hair going through boot and can tell me what they thought

  6. #6
    I had short hair going through boot camp, and still do. It's a lot easier to maintain during your training...obviously low maintenance.
    Going through boot camp, you'll see females with short, medium and long hair styles. You'll even see female Drill Instructors with short, medium and long hair styles.
    Ultimately, this is a decision that YOU have to make on what YOU want to do with your hair.
    My only advice to you is to get that hot pink cut out, the sooner the better.

  7. #7
    Marine Platinum Member Zulu 36's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by GiBarbie310 View Post
    Softballcatch23- I know it was stupid. But thanks for your input! Im still hoping theres a female out there who had short hair going through boot and can tell me what they thought
    I can tell you what my oldest daughter thought and she advises all females going into the military to cut their hair short (regulation short, not GI Jane short). The time savings in the morning are critical. My daughter is in the Air Force and if she saved time there, you know darned well you'll save time for more important things in Marine boot camp.

  8. #8
    Ok! Thanks again!

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