Time for chevrons after promotion.
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  1. #1

    Time for chevrons after promotion.


    Can anyone tell me the order that states how long a Marine has to put chevrons on their uniform after they get promoted? I've checked 1020.34G and found nothing. Any tips will be greatly appreciated.

  2. #2
    I did some searching and couldn't come up with anything. Officers have a grace period of 120 days, but I couldn't find anything for enlisted. I did, however, find a yahoo answers thread where the consensus was that there isn't a specific order, but you'd be out of uniform when wearing it or for inspection. Thats a long way away from being definitive by any means, but it sounds reasonable.

  3. #3
    The rule I've always heard is 30 days. But I have a Marine that was promoted to PFC on Dec 1st and has yet to put chevrons on, even after numerous inspections and warnings. I'm writing up a charge sheet and am going for Article 92 but I need the actual order he's violating. Otherwise it'll just be disobeying an order

  4. #4
    Quote Originally Posted by 0627Instructor View Post
    The rule I've always heard is 30 days. But I have a Marine that was promoted to PFC on Dec 1st and has yet to put chevrons on, even after numerous inspections and warnings. I'm writing up a charge sheet and am going for Article 92 but I need the actual order he's violating. Otherwise it'll just be disobeying an order
    What the hell doesn't he want to move on, maybe take his pay away too, tell me it isn't Gomer Pyle?

  5. #5
    I think it's 30 days. At least that's what I've always been told. It's not hard to do, especially if you're active.

  6. #6
    Marine Platinum Member Zulu 36's Avatar
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    I don't know about now, but in my day if your sleeve didn't match your ID, trouble was a'comin'. You were out-of-uniform just the same as if you weren't wearing the EGA on the collars of your Alphas.

  7. #7
    Ditto, the first thing we always did after the promotion was take everything to the tailors. The first time I picked up PFC, I knew it was coming so I had the correct duty uniform ready prior to the promtion.

  8. #8
    30 days is the 'traditional' time period.

  9. #9
    Quote Originally Posted by SGT7477 View Post
    What the hell doesn't he want to move on, maybe take his pay away too, tell me it isn't Gomer Pyle?
    Im definitely with you on this one, if you earn the next rank why in the hell would you not want to show it off !

  10. #10
    This topic is very confusing to me. I've never heard of a grace period! I was always taught to have that stuff ready BEFORE you are promoted. Why the hell would you wear something that shows a past rank?!

  11. #11
    ^ sticking it to the man is how some see it. No different then why they don't want to shave in the morning or get a hair cut on Sunday.

    I would have to search the orders but I can almost garuntee from what I recall is the order states 30 days following the date of the warrent. The reason for this is to allow the Marine ample pay periods to sqaure away the uniforms and not be expected to have them ready all at once.

    Article 92 is a pretty easy one, failure to obey..... "Hey turd, go get your uniforms fixed"

    It doesn't have to be specifically about the uniform regs but rather the render to the order given to correct the uniforms and the failure of.

    Telling someone to do something, for example, You need to be here at "x" time. Being UA will also carry a 92 along with it for the failure to obey.

  12. #12
    When we got promoted you best get your azz down to the tailor ASAP.

  13. #13
    Phantom Blooper
    Guest Free Member
    If you know you are getting promoted....which most Marines know the date...one of each shirt and the blouse of the season and at least 1 pair of utility chevrons should already be sitting in the wallocker...when that warrant is executed.

    I agree with Sgt Zulu....ID card should match rank....on uniform

    May have been an order.....never heard of it though....but once you was promoted all uniforms went and had chevrons put on.....either lunch time or first available free time in that day......the warrant was executed.

  14. #14
    I got my LCpl chevrons on my uniforms the week before I got pinned. Why does he seem to not want to get promoted?

    To the 2nd post: The hell would an officer need 120 days to get his uniforms up to the rank they are. Everything they own is a pin on rank. Do they expect to make the ranks themselves and put it on once a week or something?

    I've been told it's 30 days to get your ranks sewn on.

  15. #15
    Phantom Blooper
    Guest Free Member
    The rule I've always heard is 30 days. But I have a Marine that was promoted to PFC on Dec 1st and has yet to put chevrons on, even after numerous inspections and warnings. I'm writing up a charge sheet and am going for Article 92 but I need the actual order he's violating. Otherwise it'll just be disobeying an order
    Send him to the tailor with chevrons and Velcro.

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