MOS trouble
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Thread: MOS trouble

  1. #1

    MOS trouble

    Well I just have a question about changing my MOS. I was originally going to ship off June 18th. But due to a injury to my ankle I was pushed to August the 6 th. unfortunately I wasn't informed when this happened I'd lose the original MOS I had originally locked in. When I went to sign my contract I had to be given a completely different MOS (legal admin) and it was a take it or leave it thing because I had to be given waivers to stay in since my injury caused me to surpass my year in DEP. I just wanted to know if it's possible to change my job after basic or will I have to stick with it?

  2. #2
    How serious is your ankle injury? The reason why I ask is because boot camp is going to involve a lot of hiking, which is going to be hard on your ankles. To answer your question, from my knowledge you can change your MOS after I think 2 year or so in your MOS, however if you do change your MOS you will have to sign another contract. It can also be difficult to change your MOS sometimes, because of needs of the Corps. Be sure you are physically capable to endure the physicality of boot camp, because your ankles are going to get some beating.

    hope this helped

  3. #3
    Well I was just a sprain. I did validation a couple days ago and it felt just fine. And thanks. If that's where they need me then that's where I'll go.

  4. #4
    Once you go to basic training with a specific contract, it will be nearly impossible for you to change it until you have been in the fleet for a specific amount of time. Did your recruiters tell you why that was your only contract option? I would think that there would be some other slots open besides admin.

  5. #5
    Well when mine sat down with me to sign it he said that was all that was left for my slot. And I can't wait for anything else to open due to being in the dep for over a year now.

  6. #6
    I can believe he is telling you the truth. MOS's run on a schedule they only have so many spots for each MOS and school dates a lot of stuff account.

    I would suggest, if your fine with that MOS make the best of it. Get promoted to Lance Corporal and apply for Marine Security Guard, Embassy duties. That is one thing I regret not doing. My buddies who did it, loved it. It will be a break from the Admin field and help you when it comes down to promotions. You can definetly lat move after 4 years when you are due to reenlist. I know 4 years may seem like a long time but it flies by. What MOS were you originally locked in for?

  7. #7
    Yank, why do u have to go now? U can exit the DEP and wait till next year close to October when they come out with a new number of slots to fill and get an MOS u want. The downfall is u won't be able to DEP

  8. #8
    What MOS did you have?

    I spent 9 years in Legal. Good MOS, but it depends on what you're after. If you have any questions re legal, ask away.

  9. #9
    I was originally locked in under CE I believe which we're support fields such as tanks and field artillery.

  10. #10

    MOS trouble

    Well due to the fact I moved out of my house and have been living with friends I just can't afford to wait that long. But I hope that things will turn for the best.

  11. #11
    Sounds like you need to go now then. Legal community is pretty tight knit, good opportunity to advance if you are willing to put forth the effort and bust your but+.

  12. #12
    McCoy, here's my answer to the questions you PM'd me:

    First off, here is a link that has some information on it:

    The link in that thread is erroneous. The Marine Corps in its infinite wisdom in 2008 abolished 4429 and created 4422, a “speech recognition specialist.” But other intell on that site is general and can give you an idea.
    This link talks specifically about 4421, which is what you will be doing if you go into 4400.

    Your question is broad, so to give you a complete answer, I’d have to narrate way too much, and keep in mind, I have not been in this field for 25 years, so I would say it has changed. For instance, the school location when I went was on the beach. I heard it moved to Camp Lejeune. But now it is at Newport, Rhode Island and it lasts 8 or 9 weeks.

    You can check it out here:

    There will be an issue with its certificate, but just proceed to the site.

    You will learn all facets of the military justice system, including defense, prosecution, legal aid, etc. If you don’t type, they’ll teach you. You will be trained to work in a law center or in some cases smaller commands. If you work in what we called “mo-jo” you will work with prosecutors. You will prepare charge sheets, assist at getting together information for courts-martial. If you work in defense, that’s what you will do, assist military lawyers doing defense. Legal aid helps with legal matters that are non-criminal. The position is an administrative position. You might find yourself being an assistant to a military judge.
    Places you can be stationed are all over the world. Camp Pendleton, Hawaii, Okinawa, Iwakuni, Lejeune, Cherry Point, Marine Barracks anywhere. There are legal offices all over the world. Or you could find yourself attached to a unit on float or in Afghanistan.

    The legal community is tight knit – or at least it was. You will work alongside officers of all ranks up to colonel and enlisted up to MyGySgt. No 1stSgts or SgtMajs in legal. My experience was that I found the people in legal to take care of their own and to be professional. Typically, you will work 0730 to 1630 and have more time off than other MOS’s. Therefore you will have a lot of free time. Some use this unwisely. Others use it to their advantage by going to college. In my early years, I played for a base football team. I also worked many hours beyond 1630 due to backlog. I went to college, did MCI courses.

    Advancement? That will depend on you. If you are squared away, don’t screw around, bust your butt, opportunities for promotion increase. Excel at school and you could get a meritorious promotion.

    I attained rank fairly quickly and was a Sgt in 2 years, SSgt under 6 years.
    If you want to know anything more specific, feel free to post.

  13. #13
    Do you also do orders for equipment? Because I heard my recruiter mention that when he sat Dow with me. And thank you for the info it is very useful.

  14. #14
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  15. #15
    Topic closed until you fill out more of your profile besides your first and last name and your rules, which can be found in the poolee and Ask A Marine forums. When your profile is complete, PM any one of the Squad Leaders from the Squad Leaders sticky in the Ask A Marine forum and your topic will be re-opened.

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